Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Deleting project root folder doesn't remove it from sidebar

weslly hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
There's a little bug since build 2157, when you delete the root folder of a project, the folder is moved to the trash but it stay showing in the sidebar.

I'm using build 2159 at OSX lion

Goto anything doesn't support prefixing with filename if already started with symbol search

Johan Stenqvist hace 13 años actualizado por Tomek Sowiński hace 13 años 1
  1. open Goto Anything (ctrl + p)
  2. type a symbold search, i.e @something
  3. then go back and add a filename, i.e filename@something

Expected a symbol search in <filename>, but as far as I can tell that never happens.
It works as expected, however, if you start typeing the filename immediate, then the symbol search.

Disable highlighting for idle splited screen

Guillaume Bersac hace 11 años 0
When we have a splited screen, the number of the line where the cursor is set is still highlighted in the idle splited screens. This is quite confusing, especially when the highlight_line option is on.

Please turn off the highlitght of the line where the cursor is set in the idle buffer

Support external syntax repositories references

nox hace 12 años 0

External syntax repositories should be referenceable in syntax definitions, e.g. it should be supported to have an "include" key with value "source.erlang#comment".


Set a Custom Default Icon

drew covi hace 12 años actualizado por Hans Czajkowski Jørgensen hace 12 años 2
A way to set a new default Icon (not overwritten on updates) would be really nice. Discussion here:

I've used Sublime Text now for a little over a year, and I've always felt that the icon didn't really say a whole lot about what Sublime Text actually does. I've seen a lot of basic icons that show the letter, and a lot of copies of the button theme, and even a few that show markup. 

For me I wanted to start with what Sublime Text means to me. 

It's a building tool. It creates the foundation, and so I liked the idea of blocks, and I liked the idea of abstracting the "S" a little bit. So after a few months of dwelling on it, I felt inspired to take a crack at it and I'd like to submit it to everyone if you're interested.

I started with basic blocks, and refined through a number of steps.

Image 158

and finally landed on something like this.

Image 157

This icon has been saved out at HiDPI resolution as well

And in .ico


Enjoy, and feedback welcome of course. I'd love to take some ideas and run with them.


Code folding bug

I don't know it's bug or feature, but this error exists both in second and third version of Sublime Text.

Image 242


Be able to remap the ctrl, alt, shift, and command keys in OSX so they behave like on PC

Chris Hulbert hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 12 años 2
I've come from a PC using Notepad++ where i can, eg, hold ctrl and press an arrow to jump between words. But on OSX i need to hold alt to do the same thing. It'd be GREAT if there was an option to remap this, and all the other shortcuts, on osx. PLEASE
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
All key bindings are configurable. Take a look at Packages/Default/Default (<platform>).sublime-keymap, and copy the bindings you'd like from the Windows version into the OSX version.

save_on_focus_lost doesn't check that the file has been deleted

zee hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
When save_on_focus_lost is enabled, deleting the file and then switching to ST and back leads to the file being immediately recreated with the old name. If I delete the directory, ST will start complaining that it couldn't save the file. ST should check that the file exists before saving and disable autosave if it's gone.

Clojure regexes are not parsed properly

Anthony Grimes hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 2
Here is an example regex: #".*\"(.*)\".*"

That regex breaks Clojure highlighting, making Sublime Text 2 thing that the last quote is the start of a new string.

Command palette crash

Reinier Kip hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 3
The command palette crashes when one does as follows:

1. Ctrl+P: Search for a file
2. Mouseclick on any entry.

This does not occur when selecting an entry by pressing RETURN.

Windows 7 64-bit