Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Trim lines at the time of saving file

Vinay Jeurkar hace 13 años en Plugin announcements actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 2

You can put an ON / OFF option which will decide wheather to trim white spaces or not from each line in currently opened file at the time of  saving the file.
Or you can ask user to specify characters to be trimmed at the end of the line in your Default File Preferences
//set to true if you want to trim lines for white spaces at the time of saving file.
"trim_on_save": true,
//specify charaters to trim. It will trim if trim_on_save option is true.
"trim_characters": " \t",

Jon Skinner hace 13 años
The trim_trailing_white_space_on_save setting can be used for this

Define variables at project level

Thierry Goettelmann hace 13 años 0
Hello,  It could be interesting to configure some variables for a project, then use them in snippets.

For example, I have a snippet to create a new Controller for Symfony 2.

For example, I have this line :

namespace ${1:Company}\\${2:Application} ...

So if these variable could be defined at a project level, and be used automatically to default value, it could be great ^^

A Yum repository.

Mike Keen hace 13 años 0
Would love to be able to use Yum to keep ST2 up to date.

Do not set font_size in User/Preferences.sublime-settings when zooming in/out

Stefano Ballabeni hace 12 años 0
I'm trying to version my sublime configuration.

A very annoying thing that happens is that whenever I zoom in/out, sublime sets the new font size in my User/Preferences.sublime-settings file.

My point of view is that this doesn't make 100% sense since I'm not trying to change my configuration when I change the zoom level.

join lines without space in vintage mode

Kenneth Chung hace 11 años 0

it would be nice to have this in vim mode. in vim the command is gJ. similar to J but without the space.


Vintage mode command repeat "." incompatible with autocomplete

Wes Morgan hace 12 años actualizado por Brent Matzelle hace 11 años 1
When using Vintage mode, hitting the . key in command mode repeats the last command. This all works as expected UNLESS part of the last command involved auto-completed text entry. In this case, hitting . will insert the text that was manually entered but not the text that the auto-complete feature appended. It should insert all the text.

sidebar geany (symbols, class, funtions)

Christian Yánez hace 12 años actualizado por Ivan Peevski hace 12 años 1
Image 152 sidebar geany funtions, class, funtion navigator.

window.open_file should bring newly focused window forward (os x)

samizdat hace 12 años 0
The python api provides a Window method called open_file which either creates a new tab for a given file path or focuses an existing tab if the file is already open.

This works as advertised when called on the currently active window. However when called on an inactive window it will focus the new view for text input but will not bring the window to the front. As a result your keystrokes are now editing a buffer that may be entirely hidden behind other windows.

It's unclear to me whether this is a mac-specific bug, but maybe there's a missing makeKeyAndOrderFront: call in the objective c code somewhere?

Status bar buttons/menus for selecting tab size and translation of tabs to spaces.

Jakobus Poverato hace 14 años 0
Status bar buttons/menus for selecting tab size and translation of tabs to spaces.

It would be nice to have info about tabs visible at glance, and also to be able to change this settings without going to main menu.

Scope Coloring (not just syntax coloring)

Alexander Gunnarson hace 11 años actualizado por IQvsEQ hace 11 años 1

Image 241

Scope coloring was first suggested by Douglas Crockford. So far the only plugin for Sublime Text 2 (that I know of) that implements scope coloring has been made solely for JavaScript at .

It would be great if this feature could be implemented for all languages, especially Clojure and Scheme (for me).

Difference between scope coloring and syntax highlighting: