Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Running a second instance of Sublime should merge with existing

Tor hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 11
On Linux, opening a second file using

./sublime_text newfile

create a new instance of Sublime Text 2 instead of merging it with the one running. This is very annoying since the new instance duplicates all of the tabs of the old one.

The same thing thus happens if you try to open a file from Nautilus or another file explorer.
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
Added in build 2027

Allow changing the limits of font size scrolling

snake5 hace 12 años 0

Currently the minimum font size is 8, however I do appreciate the options of using smaller fonts (7, for example, is still very readable and allows to see a lot more code at once) and scrolling to bigger ones when it's necessary. The only issue left is that it appears to be impossible to set font size to 7 by scrolling to it.


Autocomplete for Language-Context Keywords

Jon Wingfield hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
It would be great if autocomplete always included the keywords from the language you are currently coding in.  Right now, autocomplete seems to be solely based on what you've previously typed.

Thanks for all your hard work guys!

Make the 'home' and 'end' keys work in OSX

Chris Hulbert hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 0
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
Added in 20110203

draw_white_space does not display a newline character

Gary Pullis hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
draw_white_space should include a character for newlines

Fold keyboard shortcuts conflict with tab switching on Mac OS X

Oleg Oshmyan hace 13 años 0
Build 2115 added the key bindings Cmd+Shift+[ and Cmd+Shift+] for Fold and Unfold; however, they were already (and are still) bound to Next File (View) and Previous File (View).

Right-click folder Explorer menu option

Adam Jackett hace 14 años actualizado por Will Bond hace 14 años 1
I would love an option for Explorer menu when I right click a folder. I use TortoiseSVN so as a (seemingly) simple solution to integrate that, I think just having an option to display the Explorer menu when right clicking a folder so that I can perform those SVN tasks withing requiring SVN support directly in Sublime would really help.

Project specific formatting

Matthew Johnston hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
I switch between Rails dev, PHP Dev and javascript dev that each have different requirements for using tab spacing and converting tabs to spaces. Is their a way we can have Project Specific Formatting, extend basically the user preferences down to the project preference?
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
Added in build 2111 - see

Please fix coloring problem for UNICODE characters

veysiertekin hace 12 años 0

Please fix coloring problem for UNICODE characters<XML etc.>! Image 243


Open containing folder

Clement JACOB hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
I think it would be great if you added an 'Open containing folder...' right-click menu option for each tab. It would allow us to quickly reopen an interesting folder.