Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Feedback on Find / Replace

Jonathan Marshall 13 years ago updated by Mikel Ward 12 years ago 1

Some (probably minor) gripes about find and replace in ST2, and not in any particular order. I think this is the area where I feel the most frustration with ST2 on a daily basis.

For those of us lucky enough to have 27" monitors, having the find & replace text & options on the far left hand side and the buttons on the far right hand side results in a lot of mouse and eyeball travel to operate the dialog box. This is especially true if you are editing a buffer on the far left of a multi-column layout in full screen mode. I think it would be better if the dialog box was kept smaller & closer to the action - perhaps even just at the bottom of the current column only? (it's 60cm wide at the moment!) 

There's no default keyboard shortcut for the Replace button in Find/Replace (or at least none is shown in the tooltip).  

When you press Find in Find/Replace the found text is highlighted with a bright yellow background. If you replace the text, the cursor moves to the next find but the background is not highlighted (but it comes back on the following find)  

Similarly if you find next when the find dialog box is open you get a yellow background. But if you dismiss the dialog box and find next, no yellow background. I guess I have a lot of problems locating the cursor in ST2 so I normally use 'line highlight' to help. The removal of the line highlight during find plus jumping the cursor and then not sufficiently highlighting the new cursor location makes it hard.

An undo last replace option would be nice (without dismissing the find/replace dialog box or switching focus back to the file).

If I have text like this in a file



and I find '.helloworld' with whole word matching on, then ST2 finds the text. However if I try to replace with '.monkey' when I click replace nothing happens. If I only have one (foo.helloworld) in the file it works fine.

Lastly some changes that I think have already been suggested in the forum: 1) Find and Replace across open files and/or projects. 2) the option to have find in files results to look like the output from ack, with keyboard shortcuts to find prev / next.


configure number of lines to scroll with mousewheel

abc 13 years ago updated by André Caetano 11 years ago 2

I'd appreciate a config option to increase the number of lines that are scrolled when scrolling with the mousewheel.

I suspect that this is an OS related value, however Ubuntu hasn't implemented an easy way to adjust the number of lines the scroll wheel scrolls and it's currently stuck at 3 lines. This causes scrolling with the mousewheel in large files to be rather slow and often futile.

(a dynamic scroll distance based on speed of the mouse scroll would be even cooler, maybe OS X already has this?)

(extra brainstorm idea: have Supreme Commander-like zooming for navigating code instead of scrolling. I'm not sure how well this would work but it potentially could be very useful and slick, see:


Improve startup behaviour and commandline options so that subl can replace system text editor.

Emanuele D'Osualdo 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
It would be useful to have a way to ask Subl to just display the file passed in the commandline and ignore for the moment the setting for reopening files etc. A switch to ask it to act just as gedit would do.
Currently with a slightly old version of GTK in Linux Sublime Text wont detect it is already running when launched. This has many side effects as duplicating all the windows if launched twice. Such a switch could help in that situation too.

A method to make tab label font bigger without clipped-off.

陈正煦 11 years ago 0

When I tried to make the font in tab label bigger,the lower part of the characters were cut off,and it seems that there's no good solution now,if the next sublime text can fix that, it would be more perfect.


project management

ulhume 13 years ago updated by Stefan Jansen 12 years ago 2
Very few improvements will greatly improve project management :
  1. Adding a simple "title" (or name, or caption, or whatever field in project structure that would be used in window title, "Switch project in window" and "Recent Projects". If user fill this field, no more long path before project name and odd "sublime-project" extension. Simple and clean.
  2. Adding a "title pattern" field to structure project in order to allow those who want to have there project name before current file path to do so.

Command for toggling find panel settings

Falcon NL 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 0
In ST1, Alt+r toggles regex on and off in the find panel. I'm trying to recreate this in ST2, so my question is: what is the new equivalent of toggleApp find.regex?

Forum topic:
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Added in 2065

Open file using file manager in existing Sublime Text 2 window

Josiahmazing 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 12 years ago 11
I've setup Sublime Text 2 to be my default text editor. As a result, each time I open a text file in my file manager (Nautilus on Ubuntu) a new Sublime Text 2 process is launched.

While sometimes this might be desirable, often it isn't. For example: If I have many files open in my current ST2 session / project and then open a file related to this project in Nautilus. In this situation a new ST2 process is created, which seems to clone the existing ST2 process's session, and then create a new tab for the opened file. Instead, what I'd prefer in these cases, is the ability to have the file I opened in the file manager appear as a new tab in an existing (if any) Sublime Text 2 process.

Is there any way to do this currently? Perhaps a command line argument, or some other option to configure?

If not, please add this feature. Thanks!

instant file search (by filename) in sidebar

johndoe 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 12 years ago 2
Instant file search by typing the filename in the sidebar?
See image below:

Image 60
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Goto Anything exists for this

Sublime Text 3: Vintage modes stuck when using multiple windows and saving files outside sublime text

Frederik Vestre 12 years ago updated by Sundeep Malladi 11 years ago 3

Vintage modes stuck when using multiple windows and saving files outside sublime text. Sometimes pressing esc multiple times does not change from insert to command mode, and sometimes editing in insert mode doesn't work, editing in command mode (removing words etc) still works


Error "Unable to save" when part of the path does not exist

David Warburton 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
If you start sublime_text.exe from the command line with an argument to a file in a folder that doesn't exist, Sublime Text 2 will open and present you a blank file, but on save gives the error message "Unable to save <full path to file>".

Example: sublime_text.exe c:\afolder\afile.txt

Where c:\afolder\ does not exist.

I think instead of the error message, Sublime Text 2 should create the folders that are required.