Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Light theme

Sean Gilbertson 14 years ago updated by Daniele Niero 13 years ago 8
A light theme for the tabs, status bar, etc.

Show hidden files in OS X file dialog

Tomek Piątek 12 years ago 0
Please add the ability to show/hide hidden files in OS X file open/save dialogs (like TextMate).

Improve keyboard support on completion overlay - PageUp / PageDown navigation, arrow nav + more

Ethan Brown 12 years ago 0

* Completion overlay menu should allow for PageUp / PageDown navigation

* An up arrow key at the top of the list should move to the bottom of the list (like  cmd palette)

* Similarly, a down arrow at the bottom of the list should move to the top of the list

* For completions that start with or in any other way use the $ character (for instance, $('#select DOM element') for jQuery) the completion menu does not show automatically -- you have to hit $, then TAB to show the available completions

* Once the completion menu is open, typing should filter on both the tabTrigger and the name -- presently, only the tabTrigger is used.  This can cause some unexpected results, as this overlay doesn't quite behave the same as the Ctrl + Shift + P command palette overlay.


Quit and Close all Windows

Rob Napier 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
ST2 behaves very similarly to OS X 10.7 in how it reopens documents exactly where you left off. This is fine, but it should also provide "Quit and Close all Windows" as 10.7 does (Cmd-Opt-Q). This cleans up everything so that the next time you launch you get an empty workspace.

Automatically switch the color scheme

Dorin Moise 12 years ago updated by Thomas Reggi 12 years ago 1

Is there a way to automatically switch the Sublime Text color scheme based on the day time? For example, during the day I want to use a bright scheme, while in the evening/night - a dark one (my personal choices are Monokai and Solarized Light). 

The switch moment would probably the local sunrise/sunset hours? :)


Autocomplete using words of the open files in sidebar

Anderson Fraga 13 years ago updated by Micheal Winger 13 years ago 2
The idea is that the auto complete of tags to use the files opened in the sidebar, to increasethe efficiency of the tool. This would avoid having to access the files to copy words to be usedin other files.

A way via Sublime API to tap into file tabs

JD Isaacks 11 years ago updated by Ross Isenegger 11 years ago 2

The most request feature for my popular GitGutter plugin is a way to identify files that have been changed with some visual indicator in the file tab (Or in the file name in the side bar.)

I would like there to be a way to either color the text differently in the file tab, or color the file tab differently itself. It would be nice if this was setup in a way similar to coloring regions, only this region would be the file tab. It would even be cooler if you could specify an icon to show in the file tab just like you can when setting regions.

It would be really *really* nice if when you set this region for a particular file, it not only altered the appearance of the file tab, but the appearance of the file when listed in the side bar.

I would use this API to improve GitGutter. Right now, you can see what changes are in your selected file, but if many files have been changed, there is no way to quickly visually determine which files. So I would make GitGutter add a *region* (or what have you) to identify which files are new/modified (deleted files would just be gone) since your last git commit.


Non Printable Characters!

Dan Stauffer 12 years ago updated by Chris Gilligan 11 years ago 1
It would be extremely helpful if you could  build in the functionality to display non printable characters ( and be able to remove them).  When copying and pasting text from Photoshop,  Hidden line breaks and other characters will often be inserted but not displayed in Sublime.   My current work flow is to copy and paste into Textmate - remove the non printable characters ( displayed as diamonds in Textmate ) and then paste into Sublime.  

realtime Sidebar item filter (with demo)

成樂子 12 years ago 0

Sorry for my bad English.

I have a idea for sidebar. It's similar to "keys": ["ctrl+p"], but affect sidebar.

I create a plugin image DEMO to describe this idea.



Make keyboard shortcuts independent of keyboard layout

Alexander Schepanovskiy 12 years ago updated by Daniel Albrecht 11 years ago 1

Now keyboard shortcuts depend on current active input language (at least in Linux), so when I switch keyboard layout they suddenly stop working or even do something different. It's kind of bizarre.

Usually it could be worked around by adding User shortcuts for a new language, but then it can accidentally override some shortcut for a first language.

Please bind shortcuts to actual physical keys so that at least on the same computer I wouldn't worry about them jumping back and forth across my keyboard.