Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Limit scroll_past_end to keep n lines visible

Joe Maller 12 years ago 0

Many files have a blank newline as their last character, so the `scroll_past_end` setting and a fast scroll result in an empty window. It would be nice if we could specify n lines to keep, something like:

    "scroll_past_end": 10

This would then scroll the window but keep the last 10 lines visible. Switching this to a number would seem to be backwards compatible since the current value `true` would function the same as setting the value to 1.


Change build command based on context of build request

David Baumgold 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
I have a project with unit tests. I want to use ST2's build feature to run the unit tests, but I want to be able to click on a test in ST2, run the build command with my caret on the test case, and have ST2 run only that test case. (If the caret is not on a test case, then it should run all tests.) I can implement this logic myself, but the build system needs to know where the caret is when the build was requested. Can you pass this information?

Jump To File

Jonah 11 years ago 0

I love the Jump To Definition action.  It would be nice to have the same thing for files.  For example, if you place your cursor within a string in a PHP file that contains a file name/path, it could try to open it.  Same thing in other languages, line Django template files, Ruby require statements, etc.


Clicking on tab to regain focus starts drag

David Saracini 12 years ago 0
If I click on a file tab after working in another window (thus, regaining focus to ST2), it starts a drag operator and the tab will follow the cursor.  This should not start a drag operation.  Only reset the focus to ST2 and whatever tab is clicked on.

Any good BASIC syntax highlighting packages out there?

Andrew Murrell 11 years ago 0
Does anybody know if there are any good BASIC syntax highlighting packages for Sublime Text 2? I have found quite a few languages, however, I've come up with nothing. I feel like this should be ... pretty basic.

Package Upgrade exception

Artem Shoobovych 12 years ago 0

I encountered a problem when Sublime does not start if package upgrade failed for some reason. Fixed with this code at

def upgrade(appdir, userdir, pristinedir, datadir, backupdir):

    packages = (glob.glob(appdir + "/*.sublime-package") +

    glob.glob(userdir + "/*.sublime-package"))

    for pkg in packages:


            upgradePackage(pkg, pristinedir, datadir, backupdir)




High res app icon

-8167 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 0
Just tried out Sublime Text 2 for the first time today and I love it! I'm so ready to pony out the dough for a license.

One thing though. I'm using it both in OSX and via Parallels in a Windows VM. The application icon looks fine in both, but tabbing between icons in Parallels reveals a pixelated icon.

Maybe include a high res version in the Windows version as well as the OSX version?

Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Sublime Text comes with a high res, 256x256 icon in window, which can be seen via Explorer.

Perhaps what you're seeing is a limitation of Parallels

Show File in Sidebar

Rian Quinn 11 years ago 0

When you startup sublime, you have a bunch of files open. The sidebar however, shows all of the folders collapsed. So everymorning I have to uncollapse the folders. One way to solve this would be to not collapse the folders. Another interesting approach would be to have an option in the right click menu for the file's tab. When you click "Show File in Sidebar" the folders auto uncollapse to show you the file. If the a folder is not in the sidebar for the file, you could add the file's root dir, and uncollapse from there.


Use alt + arrow to move around to where you've been

coyotte508 12 years ago 0

One feature I love from Qt Creator / Eclipse is the fact that it remembers the places you've gone to (file + line) and you can navigate between them by using alt + left / right (back and forth).

For example, you're using a function, you realize you need to edit how the function works so you go to the function's file and edit the code, then you go back to where you where (down to the line) with alt+left. And you can use alt+right to go back to the function's file if you forgot to do something.

It also works within the same file. Though it'd be most powerful combined with the jump to declaration/definition functionnality, without it's still very useful.


Panels disappear when they don't fit in the window

Falcon NL 14 years ago 0
Problem: When the window is not high enough to show a panel, such as the console or the output panel, it disappears and refuses to show until the window is resized to be large enough again.

Expected behavior: When the panel in question would no longer fit, resize it to 50% of the height of the window.

Steps to reproduce: Open console. Resize window until console no longer fits.

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