Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


A way to start Sublime from the command line

Taco Ekkel vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren 4
Back when I used textmte, I've gotten addicted to it's "mate" command line thing. Just cd into to a folder, enter "mate ." and it opens the current folder as project root. Simple, yet absolutely brilliant. Can we have this for Sublime Text?
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Please check the documentation (under 'OS X Command Line') to see how to do this, at

windows 8

Ava St. Claire vor 11 Jahren 0

Searched all over the net, couldn't find anything. I'm having trouble downloading sublime to my windows 8 machine. Just give the error "this program can not be installed on your pc" (or something like this). What's this about? I've tried both the portable and exe.


Esc key after incremental search loses file position

Oleg Smolsky vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Ken Chatfield vor 11 Jahren 4

Repro steps:

  1. open a decently sized file (a few screens worth of text)
  2. start the incremental search, type some term
  3. observe the working search, the first match is highlighted
  4. press Esc
  5. observe the current position being lost, as the editor moves back to the beginning of the file


Associate directories with views, not just files

Michael Kleehammer vor 11 Jahren 0
I've written a dired plugin which displays the contents of a directory in a view, allowing users to manipulate files and directories in it.  It would be nice if other commands knew the directory so things like Open would default to the directory that the user is looking at.

SublimeText 2.0.2 brings minimized windows to front on start-up (OS X)

Dinges vor 11 Jahren 0
If you have windows minimized (and at least one opened) on closing, Sublime will open and focus a minimized window forcing you to have to minimize it again. Expected behavior should be like native OS X applications (e.g. Safari).

"execute" directive in the "*.sublime-project"

Aleksandr Makov vor 11 Jahren 0

Found myself doing some repetitive actions:

$ subl --project project.sublime-project

$ chrome

$ grunt watch

And that's every time I'm opening a project.  Would like to put 2 last commands into project.sublime-project file so that Sublime would do it for me. And since watch is a persistent operation, I'm fine with that I have no control over it while project is open.


How do I upgrade my ST2 license to an ST3 license?

Rob Taylor vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von James Pegg vor 11 Jahren 1

I have already purchased Sublime 2, and having read the FAQ, their is an upgrade fee for Sublime 3. When in Sublime 3 the only option is to buy the new license.

Could someone point me to the Sublime 2 > Sublime 3 license upgrade page?


Goto panel available from the API?

Christian vor 13 Jahren 0
It appears (from reading documentation) that the command

  • window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "goto"}) #or similar

used to be available with the ST1 API. It refuses to fire in ST2 while

  • window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "find"})
  • window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "replace"})
  • window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "console"})

all work.

Is this a bug in the API or a purposely removed feature? I would like to access the Goto Anything panel from a plugin but right now it appears I cannot.

On window open callback

Grid Sane vor 11 Jahren 0

I writing a plugin, that using git to sync settings between several machines. I need to check settings updates on Sublime Text start. Is there an event, that called when new instance of editor is created? Or any other way to determine ST launch?


Crown Real Estate Fast Track Financing

adahbenton vor 11 Jahren 0

Crown Capital is a nationwide provider of commercial real estate loans.  We provide financing for the acquisition, refinancing, renovation, and construction of the following income property types:

·  Multi-Family

·  Office Properties

·  Single Tenant / Net Lease Properties

·  Retail

·  Industrial / R&D

·  Condo Conversions

·  Hospitality

·  Mini-Storage

We offer:

·  Creative Financing Structures and Solutions

·  Experienced Originators and Underwriters

·  Timely Closings

·  Reasonable Costs

·  Maximum Loan Dollars

·  Low Interest Rates and Pay Constants

Loan types include:

·  Permanent

·  Construction

·  Interim/Bridge

·  Mezzanine

·  Mini-Perm