Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Add a keyboard shortcut for Expand Selection to Paragraph

Andrew R. Brown vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Sven Axelsson vor 12 Jahren 2
It's frustrating having this selection option without a keyboard shortcut. This is VERY useful for Extempore live coding using ST.


linux c# build system

Nobody Important. vor 11 Jahren 0

I am unable to find a build system for linux to build c#

if anyone could create one or find one i would be a very happy noobie coder


​​In the past, we must not act

li Say vor 9 Jahren 0

In the past, we must not act. Atom, Edit Komodo, nuclide, electron, Studio Code Visual and so on have come, but also does not support IBus Chinese


Command to show view (file?) and hide side bar

Kai Grossjohann vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Brian Gallagher vor 13 Jahren 1
Right now, in the side bar, I can hit Enter to focus the currently highlighted file.  I would like to have the option to also close the side bar.  (As if I had typed Super+K, Super+B after hitting Enter.)

Perhaps Ctrl+Enter or Super+Enter or Alt+Enter could do that.

If users think that closing the side bar is something they need more often, they could switch the two keybindings around.

CSS closing bracket scope not set

Jon Linklater-Johnson vor 11 Jahren 0
The closing } of CSS blocks does not have a scope set causing it to be incorrectly syntax highlighted with some themes.

I fixed this in the original TextMate bundle but it seems Sublime Text 3 has not pulled bundle fixes upstream. The fix is here:

The same change line 253 of Packages/CSS/CSS.tmLaunaguge

Essentially the endCapture string value at that line needs change from \} to (\})


how do I zoom on Sublime Text on a mac

dtueme vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Donna Klinton vor 11 Jahren 1

I had Sublime Text in a pc with windows as my operating system, but recently i  changed to a mac and i cannot zoom in


Undo cursor movement

Jonathan Marshall vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 0
On my Macs I'm forever accidentally pressing CMD and up/down and ending up at the top or bottom of the file. (Usually because I meant to press CMD and left/right - the arrow keys are tiny on modern macs)

VIM allows you to undo a cursor movement by pressing CTRL+O. So it's a pretty painless mistake in VIM but quite painful to correct in Sublime. Could this feature be added?

Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
You can do this with Soft Undo, accessible from the Edit/Undo Selection menu.

The default OS X key binding is Command+U

please implement a 'dontDriveMeCrazy' option which disables all background processing and all plugins for selected files

asoki vor 11 Jahren 0

sublime eating up all my cpu while i editing a php file with more than 4000 lines (file size 200k), even if i select plain text syntax..

to quit sublime takes 30 seconds

it would be helpful to be able to disable all this background processing...


Vintage Mode: Visual Mode Search Support

Kyle Walker vor 11 Jahren 0
In vim you can do the following:
1. Enter visual mode <v>
2. Search </example text> or search next <n>
This will highlight the section where where your cursor was at to the new location.

In sublime's vintage mode any searching exits visual mode.

Note: Sublime currently supports <v10gg> to highlight from your current location to line 10, and <v10j> to highlight the next 10 lines.