Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.



Me Whatever vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Forgot to thank everyone, while submitting requests, for an incredibly awesome editor which excells in style and usability and ease of plugin implementation.

Website Redesign

Austin Condiff vor 12 Jahren 0

Considering how mainstream Sublime Text is becoming, I really think it needs a more professional, clean looking website.


Copying and pasting from Linux VM into Windows creates blank lines

Ben McCann vor 13 Jahren 0
I'm running an Ubuntu VM with Sublime Text 2 on Windows 7.  If I copy text from Sublime in Ubuntu and paste it into Windows then there is a blank line inserted after each line.

Error on ESC in Control-P with no opened files

Marcelo Gomes vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 1

When there is no opened files in Sublime Editor, clicking on control-p and scrolling using arrows, the file can be viewed on editor, however canceling using ESC key, the file remains on editor without tab ... It is a ghost file ... The ESC key needs to cancel the file and take it off from the editor ... Only Enter key should stay with selected file.


Code folding doesn't work if code isn't indented

johtso vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Baltasar Sanchez vor 13 Jahren 1
Currently if code isn't indented, it is not possible to fold it.

Unnecessary video:


Being able to resize the sidebar

Robin Lilfelt vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Nicholas Platt vor 13 Jahren 1
It could be nice if you could add a way to resize the sidebar, to make it possible to see the whole filenames in the folders.


Jan Löfberg vor 13 Jahren 0
Similar to file_exclude_patterns and binary_file_patterns. 

The files would still be visible in the sidebar, but they wouldn't open in the editor when browsing the sidebar using arrows.

Useful for images and other type of files you'd like to know are in the correct folder, but dont want to open in any situation of browsing the file, neither by browsing the project sidebar using the arrows, nor when using "Goto anything" ([super + p]) to quickly get to project files.

Support for Racket syntax

André Rendeiro vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von jan otte vor 12 Jahren 1

Supporting Racket syntax would be great. Currently it is not available (ST2).


Ctrl+Left/Right to traverse the parts of a camelCase or a snake_case identifier

Ivan Krechetov vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 0
Just like TextMate does
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
Added in 20110203 - Available via Ctrl+Arrow keys on OS X, and Alt+Arrow keys on Windows and Linux

Westhill Consulting Insurance - IRS Offers Health Care Tax Tips

Machael Andrews vor 11 Jahren in Plugin announcements 0
IRS Offers Health Care Tax Tips to Help Individuals Understand Tax Provisions in the Affordable Care Act

February 25, 2014 - The Internal Revenue Service is offering educational Health Care Tax Tips to help individuals understand how the Affordable Care Act may affect their taxes.

The IRS has designed the Health Care Tax Tips to help people understand what they need to know for the federal individual income tax returns they are filing this year, as well as for future tax returns. This includes information on the Premium Tax Credit and making health care coverage choices.
Although many of the tax provisions included in the law went into effect on Jan. 1, 2014, most do not affect the 2013 tax returns.

The Health Care Tax Tips, which are now available at, include:

IRS Reminds Individuals of Health Care Choices for 2014? Find out what you need to know about how health care choices you make for 2014 may affect your taxes.

The Health Insurance Marketplace - Learn about Your Health Insurance Coverage Options – Find out about getting health care coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

The Premium Tax Credit? Learn the basics of the Premium Tax Credit, including who might be eligible and how to get the credit.

The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment – An Overview? Provides information about types of qualifying coverage, exemptions from having coverage, and making a payment if you do not have qualifying coverage or an exemption.

Three Timely Tips about Taxes and the Health Care Law? Provides tips that help with filing the 2013 tax return, including information about employment status, tax favored health plans and itemized deductions.

Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals? Offers basic tips to help people determine if the Affordable Care Act affects them and their families, and where to find more information.

Changes in Circumstances can Affect your Premium Tax Credit? Learn the importance of reporting any changes in circumstances that involve family size or income when advance payments of the Premium Tax Credit are involved.

In addition to Health Care Tax Tips, the website offers informative flyers and brochures, Frequently Asked Questions and in-depth legal guidance regarding the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act.