Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


self.view.add_regions in TextCommand triggers on_selection_modified Event

Oktay Acikalin vor 14 Jahren 0
Why is it that the self.view.add_regions method triggers the on_selection_modified event?

OSX: Full screen dock reflection bug.

Nick vor 13 Jahren 0

I've found a bug whereby sometimes, in full screen mode, the dock doesn't hide and you get an odd reflection.  (The Icons are gone, but the bar is still there.)

I noticed it most buy running
git diff | subl
but it can be reproduced with
echo "hello" | subl 

I have highlighted the issue with a skitch screen shot (the original is here), you can see at the bottom of the page the text has gone "funny".

Kind Regards,

Build 2181, OSX 10.6.8

Highlight the term (after opening a search result) instead of marking the line number

mpet vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Currently, if one searches for a term, then clicks on an item among results, he gets line number marked in a destination file, then he needs too look throughout the line to find the term he searched for.

search/multiple selection/ indication in scrollbar like Chrome

Kroum Tzanev vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Joel Thornton vor 12 Jahren 4

I thing that the seach indication in the scrollbar of Crome is great feature.

It will be nice to see it in ST2. 

For example after Ctrl+D, Alt+F3, it will be nice to know where are my multiple selection positions. 

Image 201

Thanks for the great editor by the way ;)


Feature Request: Drag Tab Into New Instance

Jesse Squire vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Aaron Holbrook vor 12 Jahren 3
I would find it incredibly helpful to be able to grab a document tab and drag it out of its instance of Sublime Text into either a new or existing second instance.

The functionality exposed by Chromium / Google Chrome is the perfect example of what I've got in mind.

`Lock/unlock Window` from opening files in same window.

Vítězslav Ferko vor 12 Jahren 0

Easily turned on and off from the menu.
This option, when `unlocked`, will open a file (from outside the editor, eg. explorer, cmd.., double LMB or RMB->Open with...) in last focused ST window. When `locked`, new window will open for next* file.

*next or each: The newly opened window will not be locked. Or the option can be global, meaning every file will be opened in new windows.

Drag and drop will still open a file in the desired window.

This is usefull when some plain text files (*.txt, *.rtf, *.md,..) are registered to ST and you want to open them temporarily while developing your project, but you don't want them to switch view from current working file.


Rectangular block selection capability (in addition to multiple cursors)

William Payne vor 13 Jahren 0

Whilst the ST2 multiple cursors feature is excellent in it's own right, (and indeed superior in many respects) I still find myself missing the 'feel' of the rectangular selection tool that I used to use (frequently) in Textpad back when I used a Win32 development machine.

When I started using ST2, I was not sure if I was simply not used to multiple cursors, but I have been using ST2 for over 6 months now, and I still miss the old rectangular selection mode, so I have now come to the conclusion that it actually offers something that multiple cursors do not.

I do love multiple cursors; but a rectangular selection mode a-la-Textpad would be a welcome addition.

(I used it to help edit and vertically align code, parameter blocks, and CSV data files).


ctrl+alt+p fuzzy matching should exclude '.sublime-project'

Bartek Bartek vor 12 Jahren 0

 with some names that contain, let's say 'sub', the mathcing is less robust, this is a minor thing but nonetheless


@media queries don't seem to be indexed when using cmd+r

Robdev Cambridge vor 12 Jahren 0

To reproduce:

- Open a CSS file with @media{} queries

- Hold cmd and tap R to invoke the in-file fuzzy finder


- Hold cmd and tap T, then type @

Attempt to find a media query by typing "media"

Expected result:

A list of available media queries to jump to

Actual result:

An empty list (or a list of rules which happen to contain "media")


The ability to expand sublime user setting in the .sublime-build, like the limited build variable expansion.

Mike Chilton vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Emanuele D'Osualdo vor 13 Jahren 1
For example:-
In  makefile.sublime-build I could do the following set up
"cmd": ["make","${settings:buildtype}"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${project_path:${folder:${file_path}}}",
"selector": "source.makefile", 
So as a user I could define a user setting "buildtype:"release" which I could change to "buildtype:"debug" to quickly change between build types, this would also allow me to easily create new ones, like "master", by simple editing my my build system (which is different to make) and changing the user settings, without having to create variants or edit the .sublime-build file etc.  Would be most useful for such things as multi-platform builds, as I could also define multiple user settings, for example settings for a  buildtype and buildplatform in so doing create multiple platform builds with "cmd": ["make","${settings:buildtype}_${settings:buildplatform}"]. I think this would be a simple but powerful addition to the sublime-build implementation.