Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Kotlin Sytnax Defenition

I've created Syntax Defenition map for Kotlin Programming Language

It supports all language statements (according to language grammar).


deleting file should change tab title to "untitled"

ybakos vor 13 Jahren 0
If I have a tab open containing file "foo," when I delete file "foo" via the sidebar the tab should update its name to "untitled".


Interface localization

Alexander Belchenko vor 12 Jahren 0
It will be nice to see Sublime speaking with me in my native language. As I can see you're using Python for development of the software. There is standard Python library called gettext that provides support for i18n. Also you might be interested in windows-supporting tools for gettext, see

Code Hinting

Austin Condiff vor 13 Jahren 0
Code hinting would be useful. :)

Minimap Position Disappears

Brian C vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Joe vor 11 Jahren 2

I'm using Sublime Text 3 and the current file position in the minimap disappears when the cursor is moved outside it. This makes the minimap mostly useless since it no longer tells me where I am in the document.

Please (please!) revert to the old behaviour in Sublime Text 2 where the position is always visible.

Thank you,



Right Click Crash

Jason Quatrino vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Ashton Hylton vor 11 Jahren 2
Whenever I right-click in the editor, Sublime freezes and eventually crashes.

Add animated bubble to incremental search highlights

codex vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Alan Andersen vor 13 Jahren 2
XCode 4 (and Safari) will highlight a found search result by briefly blowing up an animated bubble around the text.  This is a great way to draw your eye to the right spot.  ST2's scroll animation is so flashy that it prevents me from finding the highlighted word easily with my eye.

Show newline whitespace characters in the editors

Fritz Thomas vor 12 Jahren 0

one can set "draw_white_space": "all" in the default configuration but this does not show the newline character type used in the file. If it is either unix or windows.


Authenticate when trying to save files that need it

hansnilsson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von jn1238 vor 6 Jahren 2
When I open for example my hosts file, in /etc/hosts, and enters some stuff, Sublime can't save because I need to authenticate. Sublime should handle this.

It would be nice to have language packs (french, spanish, german) for the user-interface.

Gatti vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0