Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Option to change ruler color

Tiemo Kieft 11 år siden 0
Currently there is no wat to change the color of vertical rulers (as far as I can see) set with the "rulers" configuration option.

I would be nice to be able to set a global color for the rulers, or better yet, a color per ruler.

Option to include "binary" files in Find in Files

Hamish O'Dea 12 år siden opdateret af KratosGemini 11 år siden 1
Find in Files skips things it thinks are binary files, with this displayed in the console:
skipping binary file: /foo
I use plenty of text files that have non-text characters in them, and I would like those to be included in searches. I would prefer to use only the include/exclude patterns (and binary_file_patterns setting) to exclude binary files from the search.

Transparent Command Palette

eric 11 år siden 0

The command palette is awesome, but it's a bit obtrusive. It would be really nice if I could set the level of transparency on it.


Add rename option to tab context menu

Acorn 13 år siden 0
Add a rename option to the right click context menu for tabs, like the rename option when right clicking on a file in the side-bar.

If setting "scroll_past_end" is true, allow for minimap to scroll past end as well

n00ge 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 5
I believe Jon mentioned this was coming at some point, but if the setting for "scroll_past_end" is true, you should be able to pull the mini-map past the end until the last line is at the top of the screen as well.
Jon Skinner 13 år siden
Added in 2165

Embedded webkit for live preview and enhanced widgets

n00ge 14 år siden opdateret af Diogo Resende 12 år siden 5
It would be cool to get an embedded version of Webkit in Sublime for a few reasons.

1, A live preview would be nice. I know a lot of people are very tied to it. I don't need this all the time, but sometimes it is handy.

2, Enhanced, form based tools. Here's where I think getting an embedded version of Webkit would really make Sublime shine. Building out a form based plugin which could have validation, if/then logic, etc. For example, some CSS3 gradient tools would be great and have it paste the code directly in the editor when you're done. Having the option to run the files local or online would be good too. We could build out a "" which hosted multiple "tools" which users could build on and quickly get within sublime.

Also posted here:

Improve vertical/column selection with keyboard

hukl 12 år siden 0
While doing column select via keyboard on a text which is unbalanced on the left side, sometimes the cursor moves to another column on some of the lines while the intention was to get a straight vertical selection. Sometimes the cursor is even multiplied when moving the cursor left and right which selects more lines than intended. This whole column select could see some improvements as it works much more reliable in other editors. 
The described behavior is on OSX and if needed I can provide a small video of those bugs

Ctrl+R function list in alphabetical order (maybe a setting)

Eric Burns 12 år siden opdateret af robertcollier4 11 år siden 1

I work in a code base where people put functions in random order. It would be really helpful to me if I had a setting to show the function list that Ctrl+R brings up in alphabetical order. This is pretty much the only feature I miss from my last IDE, it's a little painful not to have a way to see the functions in the current file in alphabetical order.


Show the same open file in multiple panes

Daniel Azuma 14 år siden opdateret af @JMartZ 3 år siden 5
It doesn't seem like there's a way to open the same file in multiple panes. Sometimes, in a two-pane layout, I'd like to have the same file showing in both panes, so I can view one part of the file while editing another part. Right now, it looks like an opened file can live in only one pane (i.e. group) at a time.
It is currently possible to open the same file in multiple WINDOWS. However, this has different behavior; e.g. two separate buffers are opened, so edits in one do not reflect in the other until the file is saved and re-synched in the other.
There are also other issues when you just scan (rather than open) the same file in multiple panes. I opened a separate bug for those.
Jon Skinner 14 år siden
There is now a Clone File command in build 2036

Copy selection as HTML

Pavel Perestoronin 13 år siden opdateret af Ryan McCullough 11 år siden 2
An option to copy the selected text to clipboard as formatted text with syntax highlighting.

Kundesupport af UserEcho