Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


After clearing recent project items, the project switcher window no longer lists recent projects.

Martin Laine 13 år siden opdateret af FichteFoll 12 år siden 4
At one point I cleared recent items from my project list (Project > Recent projects > Clear items) and now when I open the Project Switcher Window, it only ever shows the currently open project.

Directory autocomplete in find in files

Mark Schwarz 12 år siden 0
It'd be very nice to have auto complete of directory names.

The windows default "choose your folder" panel isn't as quick and elegant as other parts of the app.

Find and Replace (Ctrl+H) with one line selected should activate "In selection" option

Mikel Ward 12 år siden opdateret af Keith Hall 12 år siden 1
When I use Replace... with a single line selected, it replaces all matches in the file rather than all matches on the current line by default.

Steps to reproduce:

Given this text:


Move the cursor to the line containing "foo", press Home, Shift+End, press Ctrl+H, type "foo" in the Find What box, type "bar" in the Replace With box, then click Replace All.

foo -> bar

foo -> bar
food -> bard

Looks like "In selection" is only automatically set if selection is longer than one line.  I think it should be set any time there's a selection, including when I've only selected the current line.

Build 2181 on Linux

r2165 cann't start on windows server 2008 r2

Koichi MATSUMOTO 13 år siden opdateret af Dan Mueller 12 år siden 1
Sublime text 2 can't start on windows server 2008 R2. 

+ <Event xmlns="">

- <System>

  <Provider Name="SideBySide" /> 

  <EventID Qualifiers="49409">35</EventID> 




  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-01-17T13:59:37.000000000Z" /> 




  <Security /> 


- <EventData>



  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data>C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe</Data> 

  <Data>C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.MANIFEST</Data> 


  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 

  <Data /> 




Setting to indicate folder to search for .sublime-project files

guillermooo 13 år siden 0
At the moment it's impractical to keep .sublime-project files outside of a project.

A settling along the lines of "project_storage_path" would make Ctrl+Shift+P always show the projects stored in the indicated path (including subfolders).

phpdoc new lines

U N. 13 år siden opdateret af Victor Cinaglia 13 år siden 2
There is already some support for inline documentation (syntax higlihighting, at least for phpdoc). E.g. in:

 * @var bool
@var is highlighted. If the comment starts as "/*" instead of "/**", the highlighting is gone, which is to be expected. Wouldn't it be good to extend this distinct behavior further ahead, by adding a little more, namely: when pressing <enter> within the "/**" comment block, the new line should start with the usual space padding, followed by the " * ". The thing is that at least for phpdoc, lines within the "/**" comment block, not starting with an asterisk, are ignored by documentation generator. So one has to manually add asterisks at the beginning of each line. Auto adding it would be a great help.


API: better use of Python properties

David Baumgold 12 år siden 0

The Python API should use the "property" function ( wherever possible to make accessing and setting information about ST2's current state more seamless and Pythonic. This will make it even easier to write more and better plugins, and since it's a backwards-incompatible change, the time to make it is *now*, while ST2 is still in alpha/beta state.

All methods that take no arguments and exist only to return information should be decorated with "@property" so that other functions don't need to use parentheses to call the method. Some examples of methods that could use this treatment:, sublime.version(),, view.file_name(), view.is_dirty(), view.settings(), region.size(), region.empty(),, window.views(), window.active_group(), etc. This allows for easier chaining: in the context of a plugin, it would be nice to refer to self.view.window.folders[i], instead of self.view.window().folders()[i].

Some objects have a pair of getter/setter methods: for example, and view.set_name(name). The "property" function allows you to combine these into one property, so that plugin writers can find out the name of the view by accessing and set the name of the view by assigning a string to (like so: = "my view"). This is much more readable and Pythonic than having a separate method just to do assignment. 


Configurable behavior when clicking on Sublime Text dock icon

Joshua Benner 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
Currently, if there are no windows open in Sublime Text on OS X, clicking on the dock icon opens a new editor window.

While this behavior is common in OS X, having to close a window every time I wish to switch to sublime and open a project is bothersome... and I've grown to appreciate the option to configure such behavior in TextMate.

Admittedly a minor thing.

Open/Save file dialog

Xpol Wan 11 år siden 0

Add API for Open and Save file dialog.

This is useful  when a plugin would like user to choose an converted output for current view.


Show glyph at the beginning of wrapped lines

Joshua Poehls 13 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 1
Currently it is not obvious when a line is wrapped. I often mistake a wrapped line for simply an indented second line. Showing a glyph at the beginning of a wrapped line to indicate that it is a continuation would help a lot. I imagine these being faint, similar to when you show whitespace characters.

Likewise a glyph at the end of a line that wraps would be helpful as well.

Kundesupport af UserEcho