Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Better support for rails migrations

Anthony Underwood fa 12 anys 0
Textmate has snippets that allow modification of table columns in migration files - these simultaneously change the up and down actions. Please could this be ported to ST2

Sidebar doesn't update on Mac OSX randomly

Kurtis R G. fa 13 anys updated by Kristen Grote fa 11 anys 8
  • OS: Mac OSX 10.6.8
  • Build: Sublime Text 2 2165 (and at least the last two versions)

When I delete a file from the sidebar, it should remove itself from the file list.
When I rename a file in the sidebar, it should remove itself from the file list and then add the new file.
When I add a file to the project it should add itself to the file list.

The sidebar doesn't seem to be updating when file events happen (rename, delete, create, move).

Steps Taken To Fix:
  • I've restarted the application.
  • I've deleted the application.
  • I've deleted ALL the file created by the application (including two sneaky ones in ~/Library).
  • I've reinstalled the application.
  • I've restarted my computer.
  • I've looked at the console.

Nothing, nada, zip. No dice!

This has now happened twice. The first time it randomly stopped after deleting all of my project files. Doing that again hasn't fixed it.

sidebar auto resizing

Hilyin fa 12 anys 0

Could we add an option for the sidebar to auto resize as it needs more width to display full file/folder names?



File history should be persistent like e-TextEditor

Subant05 fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
File history should be persistent even after program closes.  The same way e-TextEditor does it.  When quitting the application or closing a file, a user can open that same file and revert back to various versions that were saved during the files lifetime.

Map F2 key to rename file from tree view

Vojtěch Vondra fa 13 anys updated by chadscott fa 6 anys 4
I am not sure about all OSs but usually I am able to rename  a file from a file explorer using F2, could this be mapped to the left pane tree view?

Post-It/StickyNote System

Gabriel Lau fa 12 anys updated by kudo fa 11 anys 2
It would be nice if the Sublime Text Editor had a system of "Post-it" for each tab to help us remember what we were doing in projects after a while without using them.

Build cmd has no environment (OSX)

Oktay Acikalin fa 14 anys updated by Nabil Boukala fa 12 anys 12
Is it correct that a build script starts with nearly no environment on OSX? I would have assumed that my .profile would have been parsed before executing the cmd.
For now I had to run bash with --login to get it. Is there a better way to do this?

Right-click on dock icon should give the option to open a new window.

David Alan Hjelle fa 13 anys updated by Rick Jensen fa 12 anys 1
Many apps, such as Mail and Chrome, allow one to create a new document directly from right-clicking on the Dock icon. This is particularly useful when using Mission Control.

Thanks for a great editor, by the way!

Code completion dropdown goes out of view when you're at the bottom of a page

Kevin O'Connor fa 13 anys updated by Jake Wilson fa 13 anys 1

 If you're all the way at the bottom of a document and you hit Ctrl Space to invoke the code completer, the dropdown with all of the selectable values pops up underneath and goes off of the screen, with the preselected item quite often not being visible.  Maybe this should pop up above the line in question instead?


box-sizing Tag for css is not recognized. Fix or help please.

Creating Giant fa 12 anys 0
Sublime Text 2 does not recognize box-sizing tag.*