Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Allow overriding font in theme

Alexander S. fa 14 anys updated by factormystic fa 13 anys 1
As far as I can see, there's no way to override font settings in a theme. I would like to change the fonts (family, weight, size) in the sidebar and tabs.

box-sizing CSS property is not recognised

Tom Turton fa 13 anys 0
CSS 3 Box-sizing has been available since IE8, but Sublime Text 2 does not recognise it as a CSS declaration. Thus autocomplete does not support the values and the declaration is not coloured in.

Override default associated syntax definition

guillermooo fa 14 anys updated by Phillip Koebbe fa 13 anys 7
Association between file types and syntax definitions is established in syntax definitions by means of the "filetypes" element. While normally this works fine, sometimes you might want to use an alternate syntax definition for a file type that already has a generic syntax definition associated with it, and to which Sublime gives precedence. To override the default syntax definition, it would be necessary to be able to specify a preferred syntax definition for a file type. If this preferred syntax wasn't found, Sublime would fall back to the current system.


file_types: { 
"sublime-build": { 
"syntax": "Packages/PackageDev/Support/Sublime Build.tmLanguage",

Cloud Sync for Sublimetext

fa 12 anys 0

Cloud Sync: It would be great to have the ability to sync the content of your sublimetext to all of your other devices so that if I create notes, scripts, etc. on a MAC, I would see all of my work on my Window or Linux box where I'm using Sublimetext too.


Filter through command equivalent

Colin Taylor fa 14 anys updated by mc0e fa 12 anys 4
Textmate blows but its ability to filter current doc through shell command and back in again is great.

add column rails snippet (mcol)

Mike Emery fa 13 anys 0
In TextMate mcol lets you add, rename, and remove columns whereas in Sublime Text 2 it only lets you remove.  There is currently no alternative snippets for adding and renaming columns in migrations.

"Go to anything" (Ctrl+P) shows deleted files

Krzysztof Wolowski fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 1
This happens regardless of weather you delete the file in the sidebar or outside ST2.

undo/redo history tree

Uziel Bueno fa 13 anys updated by blizzrdof77 fa 6 anys 2
It will be very useful to have the done actions tree like E-TextEditor. I think this feature is ultra useful because even when you have closed your files and reopen them keeps the history of all the modifications in the file letting you redo/undo any change.

Sometimes it useful to go back to a point where something was in some way without requiring you to use a versioning system, just for undo quickly and test. 

Run Python script in a virtual environment (virtualenv)

Rob Speer fa 14 anys updated by Jonatas Castório Damasceno fa 13 anys 6
The "Build" command for a Python script runs it through the global Python environment, but all my real code lives in virtual environments.

It would be helpful if Sublime Text had a way to choose a Python environment.

File association

Andrew Smith fa 13 anys updated by chip siskey fa 12 anys 2
I intend to try out sublime text across a number of machines as a replacement to Notepad++. 

I have previously associated a variety of text files (xml, csv, css, html, js, txt, log...) with Notepad++ and now I have to go through the following process with each file type:

  1. Double click my log file (or other)
  2. find it opens with notepad++
  3. close file
  4. right click -> open with .. > sublime text & tick 'always use sublime txt'
It's really slowed down my adoption of sublime text as a text editor. I know it's *very* annoying when *some* applications do this (I'm looking at Windows Media Player here) but in this case I feel it would be totally justified.