Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Vintage mode should enable multi-selection from visual block mode

jrk fa 12 anys 0
Vintage mode should enable multi-selection to simulate (i.e. on shift-V, shift-I [or] shift-A). 

Include Package Control and make it more like Brackets

Martin Spierings fa 11 anys 0
I feel that the package manager should be added by default. And if they could also give it an upgrade, that would be so awesome. Currently when getting sublime on a new installation (or for people who are just getting started), getting the package manager and add the plugins feels a bit too old-school to me. Why not have it behave like in Brackets (the Open Source version of Adobe Edge Code). There you can just see a list of plugins you might want and click install. Way faster then the package manager in Sublime. Also, getting package updates like this would be way easier too.

I like using Sublime and currently Brackets feels a bit too slow for me, but i can see that grow beyond sublime cause some stuff just feel way more user-friendly to me. I'm not really into using the command prompt or similar features of my OS or apps, so i tend to look for stuff that has a GUI and features a more modern approach to work with or extend its capabilities. I also get the feeling that i'm missing a lot of useful plugins because i don't know the name. Or that i'm not using plugins to the fullest as i have difficulty finding out how or what i can do with it (some need settings, some need a separate tool but that just isn't clear from the package manager)

Brackets example: 

And if it would be possible to have plugins mass update or automaticly update, that would be awesome as well.

cfengine3 support/syntax highlight

Dan Moore fa 12 anys 0
Could you please add support for cfengine3 syntax highlight? 

Adjustable code map size.

Nick Portelli fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I love the code map, Love it in Visual Studio as well.  If it isn't possible could the width be adjustable?  It seems too wide most of the time.  If it is already point to how?

Windows and Tab Management

park woojae fa 12 anys 0
first one is a kind of bug and second one is kind of suggestion.

1. Tabs can't move out of windows, well.

when I move tabs out of main window(move tab to below), it's getting unvisiable. on task bar there are two windows, but second(new) window cannot be seen. but when I move tab to upper little bit and wait and release the mouse button, it works as expected.

I am using windows 7.

2. Tabs state saving like chrome browser.

When you open two chrom browser windows, it can have many tabs on each window and it saves state of each tabs on window. when I close one window, I could reopen window from recent closed tabs even if it has multiple tabs. it's not just recent file saving, it saves tabs on recent windows. I hope sublime text2 would be save this states too.

Thank you for all the great works. 

find in files: find class in php file

Ridwan Aji Bari fa 11 anys 0

i am able to find ID's when i hit Ctrl + R in PHP file. but can't find Classes. it would be nice if this feature added



Mathias Rangel Wulff fa 11 anys 0

The short version:  

Give me a line_padding_bottom that only applyes on lines with linenumbers on. 

The longer version:

When writing prosa with sublime it is central for the readflow to be able to set 


could be set. 

It would set the bottom padding for a wrapped line - letting the wrapped line apear as a chunk of text with a padding to the next line. 



Juan Falgueras fa 12 anys updated by FichteFoll fa 12 anys 1

sublime.packages_path() returns the absolute path of the packages directory, but settings.get doesn't, and it puts always the packages/ relative starting folder for its answer.  Then you need to join both but previously deleting the word Packages or jumping back .. in the middle of the joint paths.  This is a bit annoying and could be easily solved having always full paths or settings answering without this "Packages/" starting folder


"Quick Edit" should be very usefull!

Sergey Fedosenko fa 9 anys 0

I mean Quick Edit like in Brackets editor (Ctrl+E)



Tet Psy fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 1

hey there, for the sublime tabs functions, it would be cool if the window the tab is in, dissappears when you move the tab into another tabs window, every time i open a new file and place it with the rest of my files, i have to close its window.. thank you