Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


The best text editor I've used

D. Scott Nettleton fa 12 anys 0

I use this for almost all of my programming now, and I'm even considering switching from my C++ IDE to Sublime Text and makefiles just for the editing features. Thanks for supporting Linux, and keep up the good work!



Mark Ge fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I am a OpenGL programmer, I usually working on GLSL programming, but, it's sad to find that there is no code editor which support GLSL syntex hightlight, especially, the build-in variables, and build-in functions.
it would be great that sublime text have this feature.

File open dialog

Allora6263 fa 11 anys 0

I'm running sublime Text 2 (version 2.0.2, Build 2221) on OS X 10.9.

When I select File -> Open -> Open dialog window appears (normal), but it immediately closes itself (less than 3 seconds) the window, therefore I could not enter a new file name.  It also happened in 'File -> Save and Save as'.

Because of this behavior, I can't open or save file from the menu.  
Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance,


pre-pad lines when selecting empty lines for multi-line editing

Matthew Winter fa 13 anys 0

When selecting the lines for multi-line editing and you press Ctrl+Alt+Up and the next line is an empty line and you was at character position 20, can we pre-pad the line with whitespace rather than select character position 1.

Or at least provide an option which allows for the pre-padding.

Much in the same way that JEdit performs multi-line selection.


Control clicking a tab does not show the contextual menu (OS X)

Caleb Land fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 1
On OS X when you control-click a tab the contextual menu that shows up when you right click the tab is now shown.

Opt-Click on arrow in sidebar to recursively expand or collapse folders

mrmachine fa 13 anys updated by Shi Falei fa 9 anys 1

Allow me to type ”mode:42" instead of "" for first result

Dan Abramov fa 13 anys updated by adzenith fa 13 anys 1
A typical usecase: I see I have an error at line 42 of
I press Cmd+T, start typing “mo” and “” is already the first option.

Currently, to go to line 42 I either have to type the whole file name, followed by “:42”, or just press Enter, Ctrl+G, 42, Enter.

It would be *so* much better if “xxx:NN” would open first result at NN.

Find in files: set default "Where" to "<project>"

Leo Gallucci fa 11 anys 0
Within find_in_files panel, I would like to set the default `Where` field always to `` because sometimes when switching from one ST3 window to another i get that field value with another project directory and i have to manually replace it.

Search and Replace Optimization

keelzebub fa 12 anys updated by Bob Lounsbury fa 11 anys 1

The Search and Replace function needs to be optimized. If my Search has a large number of results to be replaced, ST2 just freezes up on me, whereas Notepad++ gets the job done in a couple seconds.


Arrow keys messed up with line padding

Matt Brennan fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 1
When the bottom line padding is negative and the top line padding is positive (with a smaller absolute value) the arrow keys don't work as expected; up moves up two lines, and down doesn't work.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Set line_padding_bottom to -2
2. Set line_padding_top to 1
3. Press the up key
 a. Observe number of lines travelled
4. Press down key
 a. Observe nothing

Setting the padding like this was necessary as for some reason the font I used (TheMixMono, by LukasFonts) was offset from the baseline.