Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


multistring sql

When in PHP code string contanin SQL code highlight don't work when string started with new line. Example:

$query = "



Worked well:

$query = "SELECT




provide keyboard shortcut to indent out to a flat column, starting from multi-cursor insert along a ragged edge

Matthew Trost 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

Just to start off: I love ST2!

I have one feature suggestion. Someone may have made a plugin for this, but I haven't been able to find it. (Possibly I'm not Googling the right phrase...)

Let's say I've got multi-cursor insert along several lines of different lengths -- i.e., cursors along a ragged edge, like this:





How can I automatically push the whitespace at the end of each line out to a flat column, like so?:

a     |

aa   |

aaa |

a     |

I've asked this as a question on SuperUser , but haven't come across an answer yet. Would be a very useful feature!


RSS for Sublime releases

Michal Plichta 13 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 13 years ago 1
I would like to see RSS feed for dev and official build od S2.

New window does not preserve hide menu option (Windows)

d B. 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
I'm not sure if this is the intended functionality of Sublime Text 2. However, I would appreciate it if the hide menu option was preserved in new windows.

Stagger new windows

Aparajita 14 years ago 0
When new windows are created (either by super+shift+N or by opening a file from the Finder) they are not staggered, but placed directly on top of previous windows. This creates a situation where you can have many windows are stacked directly on top of each other, which makes it difficult to realize this and impossible to select them via the mouse.

Sell t-shirts

Edward D'Souza 13 years ago updated by Mariusz Drozdziel 13 years ago 1
You should sell Sublime Text t-shirts. I know I'd wear one.

Color preview and picker on hover

Sam Garfield  13 years ago 0
It would be cool if hovering over a color in a css file gave you a preview of the color, and if there was a little color picker built in. Especially in OS X where you can save your color theme to the bottom of the color picker this would be awesome.

Close empty window when opening a folder

Ben Alpert 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
If I start up ST2 then open a folder, I have two windows: one that was open originally and one for the new folder. It would be nice if the original, empty window closed (and also if I could disable it completely).

Console at bottom of IDE does not seem to support unicode?

Hipposaurus 13 years ago updated by Fabio Lamanna 13 years ago 1

I believe this is a new bug. 

When I run my program from the Terminal in python, it runs perfectly.

Whereas, when I run it from sublime text, I get this error:

[... stuff ...]
if amtconf.debug_on: print(s)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u030a' in position 30: ordinal not in range(128)

The error is being caused by the debug statement trying to print a unicode string which contains a directory name including special characters like å and ø.

I've spent 2 hours looking into this and it appears to be an issue where the IO output will not allow unicode strings directly? i.e. I think the console window at the bottom of the IDE should be set to use UTF-8 rather than ascii.