Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Web Browser Deployment

ehpotsirhc 3 роки тому 0

It would be great if Sublime Text can be deployed over a web browser. Although not that well known (yet), VSCode can be deployed on a server and be accessed completely over a web browser, which will make it that much more flexible to use across any platform.

To give some context... I've switched from developing on Windows, to a Mac, to now ChromeOS with a lot of the dev applications deployed from a server and accessed over a web browser. It keeps the local system light and battery-friendly, while still getting the high-performance I need. A lot of this is driven by VSCode being able to be deployed on a web browser with complete access to the terminal. I can still run Sublime Text on Crostini, and I still love Sublime Text, but sadly VSCode beats Sublime Text on usage as it can be deployed on a server and used over a web browser.


Is there a way to map force quit for the default close of the application? I am looking for a way to be able to close the app in one click with automatically save of all opened documents, and have those documents reopened next time I opened the app.

v1nce n7 3 роки тому оновлений 3 роки тому 1

Is there a way to map force quit for the default close of the application? I am looking for a way to be able to close the app in one click with automatically save of all opened documents, and have those documents reopened next time I opened the app.


Zero width non joiners

terry 3 роки тому 0

These used to show up in Sublime as just a vertical red line, now they display as <0x200c> highlighted in red so the Indian, Khmer and Farsi files I work on are full of them and I'd like very much to find the setting or what ever changed with an update that caused this change. I realize it's probably just a setting but I'm just a casual user, not a coder, so any help appreciated, thanks.


shift-tab unindent is broken in build4121

Dmitry Iv 3 роки тому 0

Try in markdown in any indented text, eg
asdf {}|
Try shift-tab cursor at the eol - it creates untrimmed space, as if doing unindent, but also Tab at the same time.


Filter text in output window

icastano 4 роки тому 0

It's not possible to search text in the output window. You can copy it and paste it in a new window, but that's of limited use when the output is still being produced. A more useful alternative would be to have an option to filter lines, This would be useful, for example, to see if a certain message has been produced, or if a certain file has been processed.


auto_complete_commit_on_tab should default to true

Jamie Cruickshank 4 роки тому 0

The docs state

// By default, auto complete will commit the current completion on enter.
// This setting can be used to make it complete on tab instead.
// Completing on tab is generally a superior option, as it removes
// ambiguity between committing the completion and inserting a newline.

If completing on tab is recognised to be "generally a superior option", which I couldn't agree more strongly with, why is the default enter? The autocomplete is an awesome and very powerful feature, however it does seem a little over enthusiastic and I had to google around to find out how to stop random things appearing at the ends of my lines - I'm sure other people will be doing the same.


support protocol buffer editor

Krishna Birla 4 роки тому 0

Equal spacing / lining up of variables

Chad 4 роки тому 0

Is there a way natively or with a package add-on to evenly space variable definitions within PHP  to make them pretty?


$this_is_a_variable = $my_value_array['something'];

$a_variable = $my_value_array['something-else'];

$another_variable = $my_value_array['something-more'];

and make it look like

$this_is_a_variable = $my_value_array['something'];

$a_variable            = $my_value_array['something-else'];

$another_variable   = $my_value_array['something-more'];

0 scrolls the view

ianh 4 роки тому 0

I'm writing a script to save and restore file positions, and I noticed that, when scrolled to the top of a file,

scrolls the view downward so that the top of the file isn't visible any more.

I can work around this behavior in my script, but it seems incorrect in any case, so I figured I'd report it.


Excluding subfolders in multi-file search

Guy Carver 5 років тому 0

I have a large 3rd party SDK within my project directory.  When I do searches through the many libraries for text I very often get a bunch of hits from the 3rd party source code.  I'd like to be able to exclude that folder in much the same way as with certain file types (with the -*.txt) for example.