Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


ctrl t

Jordan Patterson 13 років тому оновлено weslly 13 років тому 3
Implement ctrl+t to open a new tab and ctrl+shift+t to reopen the last closed tab. The same way most browsers do it

Single window mode not being supported in Full Screen Lion

Paul Arterburn 14 років тому 0

My prefs:

"use_simple_full_screen": false,

"open_files_in_new_window": false,

These are not working together...if I have SublimeText in the new full screen OS X Lion mode and open a file from Transmit it will still create a new instance window in the same workspace as transmit. I would expect it to open a tab in the full-screen SublimeText already open.


Update Rails snippets

Michal Gritzbach 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
I'd really love to see Rails snippets updated to the most recent version, 3.2, e.g. form_for and inline ends (-%>; hate them).

Draw a border around groups if scrollbars are overlayed i.e. Lion

Chris Guilbeau 13 років тому оновлено Vincent Côté-Roy 13 років тому 1
When you have multiple groups and no file is selected yet, there is no distinction between where the groups begin and end. If you have scrollbars overlayed (as Lion does by default) there's no break between files unless you have minimap or line numbers turned on, and even then it looks a little messy.

Perhaps just a setting to change the background color of the gutter?

Indentation for PHP broken

Bart Dabek 13 років тому 0

Case statements do not properly work with indentation... 

the line echo should be indented one tab over... also comments really mess with the indentation within php... 

switch (variable) {

case 'value':

   echo 'vv';



# code...




Templates for creating new documents of different types

Dan Blanchard 14 років тому оновлено Thierry Goettelmann 14 років тому 1

 I'm not sure if this is just hidden somewhere and I'm unaware of it, but it would be really nice if ST2 had a set of templates that you could choose from when creating new documents. 

I used this feature all the time when I was using TextMate and would create new LaTeX documents that already had all of the preamble crap already in there so I didn't have to type it every single time.


Awesome, awesome work!

dutzi 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
Definitely the BEST editor I've seen for mac. Kudos!

Asymmetric three-pane layouts

Idan Gazit 13 років тому оновлено Rob Miller 12 років тому 4

I often find myself desiring a pane layout that looks like this:

Image 40

Usually it is because I am hacking on one file, and need two others as reference beside it.

The existing side-by-side three-pane layout is too narrow for me to get 80 columns in each editor.

I'd love to see a layout like this in sublime.


Running python through SublimeREPL with command line arguments

Stephen Andrews 13 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 3

I am running python through SublimeREPL, but my code takes command line arguments. In my old editor, DrPython, you could set variable in the editor, eg. $args, to be a string which was passed to the python code.

I am using SublimeREPL because i make a lot of use of pdb and like the interactive debugging features.

This is how i currently run my python code via a shortcut

{ "keys": ["f8"], "command": "repl_open",

  "caption": "Python",

  "mnemonic": "p",

  "args": {

  "type": "subprocess",

  "encoding": "utf8",

  "cmd": ["python", "-i", "-u", "$file"],

  "cwd": "$file_path",

  "syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage",

  "external_id": "python"

  } }

what i would like is to change one line to

  "cmd": ["python", "-i", "-u", "$file", "$args"],

where $ for example

You would be able to set the $args variable to be a property of the view which can be set by a command and then revert to a null string when the view is closed.

I am not very familiar with customising Subline so my questions are

1) Is there a package that already does this or something similar?

2) If not, would it be possible to implement

3) If so, any suggestion about how to do it

4) Am i calling python the wrong way? Is there a different way to run python scripts which would make my life easier?

and finally..

5) since no one else seems to have this problem, is it poor form to use command line arguments for python? I like the arguments because i can use them to build nice bash scripts to run a series of simulations with different names and properties. Is there a better way to do this?


Make a static link to latest stable, alpha, and dev builds. Such as will always be the latest dev build. 'sublime-v2-stable.tar.bz2 will always be latest stable, etc...

Shawn McElroy 14 років тому 0
Make a static link to latest stable, alpha, and dev builds. Such as will always be the latest dev build. 'sublime-v2-stable.tar.bz2 will always be latest stable, etc...

This way people on the net, or people making scripts can point to a stable, alpha or dev version to always get the latest without having to know the exact build number.