Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Persist the state of open folders in project sidebar

Ned Baldessin 13 років тому 0
I'm often working on large Ruby on Rails projects, with maybe 10 open folders in the project sidebar. When I switch from one project to another, and back again, I lose the state in which I left the project: all the folders are closed again. Since the state of files is persisted, I expect the folders in the sidebar to behave the same.


Rename file from command palette

Guillaume Bersac 11 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 1
When I am in editing a buffer, and I seen that its name doesn't fit, I have to type (cmd + k + b) to open the side bar, then tacking the mouse (I hate tacking the mouse), look for the file in my project (I always have many folder in one project) and then right click on it and pick rename. It would be easier to just prompt the command palette and choose the rename option.

Since the functionality has already been implemented, it would be easy to just had it to the command palette.


GB2312 and GBK

赫帅 赖 13 років тому 0
Hello, I strongly hope than the sublime text2 could support GBK and GB2312 encoding natively. I swear that the day the sublime text 2 support GB2312 and GBK encoding natively will be the day that me and many of my friends stop our evaluating of sublime text2...

Unindent Shift-Tab Shortcut Broken?

Jeffrey Van Alstine 14 років тому оновлено Adam Remer 12 років тому 6
For some reason my Shift-Tab unindent keyboard hotkey has stopped working.

This is on Ubuntu 10.10, Sublime Text 2 Build 2059

Default Key bindings:
{ "keys": ["shift+tab"], "command": "unindent", "context":
[{ "key": "text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "\n" }]}

I didn't even know there was default (or user) key bindings before it broke, so I'm pretty sure it's not something I did.

CTRL+[ still works fine.

Leading Space in Regex String breaks Perl Syntax coloring (and consequently, global search)

Donald Donovan 13 років тому 0
In Perl, when the first character in a regular expression is a literal space, for example
/ carrots/ 
_everything_ following the space is colored as if it were one big string.  If this weren't bad enough, global file search (ctrl+shift+F) ignores anything in perl files that comes after the syntax break.

Javadoc-style popup on hover

Jonathon Freeman 11 років тому 0

If this is already available, or already in the works, or available with a 3rd-party plugin please forgive me and let me know where I can find it. I've installed the DocBlockr and SublimeCodeIntel plugins, but those don't seem to provide this functionality.

Anyway... pretty much all "real" IDEs allow you to hover over an identifier in a source file and a hover dialog will popup that shows the parsed/formatted Javadoc-style documentation for that identifier, whether that doc comes from an external source (such as a JAR or a website) or if it's provided inline within the file itself.

I'm mostly interested in being able to hover over a method in PHP that has PHPDoc written inline directly above, and seeing the parsed/formatted documentation for that method.

I understand grabbing the Javadoc/PHPDoc/etc. for 3rd-party code could be a logistical nightmare and wouldn't be very trivial to implement, but I think if the Javadoc/PHPDoc/etc. is already written inline within the file that is currently open it wouldn't be too hard to parse that Javadoc-style comment and produce a hover popup window with formatted documentation. Maybe I'm wrong...

Thanks, and keep up the great work!


Rendering is very slow under a remote X11 connection

Maxim Razin 12 років тому 0

When you ssh -X to a remote machine with an installed sublime, the rendering is extremely slow.
Comparing to GVim or Eclipse, it is almost unusable even on a 1Gb LAN.


Atomic file saves to ensure file integrity

jj05 14 років тому оновлений 14 років тому 1

The way sublime editor works currently, is that first truncates the file, and then writes its content.

This has various unwanted consequences:
* Files are temporarirly left in an incomplete/inconsistent state while saving, and that might have various unexpected side effects. If there is interruption while saving to the network, the file will remain corrupted until the the user restarts the editor, and the file recovery mechanism kicks in.

* It breaks most file monitoring system, such as inotify; as the notification is triggered the moment it is truncated. It makes things like Guard and LiveReload not work properly, as they update the browser when they detect a change in the file. But when they do, the filesize is 0 bytes.

Screencast on Guard and LiveReload:




setting for reindent on save or load

Pavlos Vinieratos 13 років тому 0
should have a setting for reindenting lines on save.

the command is on edit>line>reindent, just call it on save

Generate a Windows ARM build for jailbroken WinRT devices.

Everyone 12 років тому оновлено Feijoo Christophe 12 років тому 1

Now that there is an untethered jailbreak for WinRT devices, they have become a realistic product for development. Would you consider producing a build for ARM?