Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.

Alt+e , t / Alt+e , c / Alt+e , p - I rely heavily on these functions for quick and 'sure' cut/copy/paste in all programs that I use. In sublime, these defaults are not 'the way' and custom hotkeys make the edit menu not appear at all :(

Jump to parent class

Wrap Paragraph at Ruler ignores actual ruler setting
(Minor side note: "Paragraph" is capitalized in the Wrap menu for "Wrap Paragraph at Ruler" but lowercase for all of the other items in that menu.)

A way to enter random paths in quick-open
Possibly: make entering ~ or / as the first character trigger non-project.

Adobe Dreamweaver default color scheme [PHP, CSS]
Adobe dreamweaver default color scheme is best that i've ever seen. Is it possible to get/make a theme like adobe DW? However thanks for this awesome editor

Limit scroll_past_end to keep n lines visible
Many files have a blank newline as their last character, so the `scroll_past_end` setting and a fast scroll result in an empty window. It would be nice if we could specify n lines to keep, something like:
"scroll_past_end": 10
This would then scroll the window but keep the last 10 lines visible. Switching this to a number would seem to be backwards compatible since the current value `true` would function the same as setting the value to 1.

Change build command based on context of build request

Jump To File
I love the Jump To Definition action. It would be nice to have the same thing for files. For example, if you place your cursor within a string in a PHP file that contains a file name/path, it could try to open it. Same thing in other languages, line Django template files, Ruby require statements, etc.

Clicking on tab to regain focus starts drag

Any good BASIC syntax highlighting packages out there?
Customer support service by UserEcho