Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Add an option to auto-hide minimap -> unhide on scroll or overlay

Olivier Poitrey vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Art Lawry vor 12 Jahren 3
The minimap takes some real estate and isn't relevant while editing, but only when seeking for another file location.

PHP namespace support

Christian Kruse vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Luke Ashe-Browne vor 12 Jahren 2
PHP namespace support is missing

Add AppleScript support

Stian Håklev vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von juan falgueras vor 9 Jahren 10
I love to be able to script my applications, and build workflows. It would be very useful if it were possible to interact with ST2 via AppleScript. Even a simple bridge that let you execute a command (just like when you're binding keyboard shortcuts) through AppleScript would instantly expose most of the application (because of the way it is built). For example a way for a script to open a new window with two files in each pane, in a certain layout etc. (Dynamically).

Please support code ligature from FicaCode font!

林佳俊 vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von icc97 vor 9 Jahren 1

Ligature fonts are awesome! It's a shame Sublime doesn't support them!


Function search across entire project

Zachary Nawar vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Thamaraiselvam vor 9 Jahren 4
Im aware you can press CTRL+R and it opens a small window where you can type a function name or parts of a function name and it will take you to that function. However it seems to be limited only to the one file you have open. Having it work across every file of that format across the entire project/open folders would be very nice.

Pascal syntax support.

Alan Gott vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Fernando Macedo vor 12 Jahren 2
Add support for Pascal syntax (*.pas), as well as recognition for Lazarus source code files (*.lpr).

Minimap highlights on search results.

Guillaume Amringer vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Ryan Harris vor 12 Jahren 2
When searching for a string in a file, the minimap also show highlighted results, but it's kinda hard to see. Maybe disable text syntax highlight in minimap when searching to make the search highlight stand out.

Add enviroment vars ($file, $file_name, $selection, $project) to key bindings

Greg Williams vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert vor 14 Jahren 2
Adding enviroment vars ($file, $file_name, $selection, $project) to key bindings would accomplish the needs of many 'plugins' in a simple bindings file

Multiple rows of tabs

chaiguy vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
There needs to be some way of handling many open tabs, such as wrapping them to another line.

Folders vs Groups (virtual folder / workspace)

Luke Scott vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Michael Kaiser-Cross vor 13 Jahren 1
There seems to be two key areas of the "side bar". Active files (open), and Project files. Active files are under "Files" or "Group #", and Project files are under "Folders".

I feel that "Files" are a bit redundant when you have tabs. What would be better is a "virtual workspace" of files/folders that aren't open. Basically have a "Group" that is a "virtual folder" that contains references to other files/folders. If the side bar looked like this ( you could give actual folders a blue icon and groups a yellow icon.

The side bar would essentially be what's under "Folders" (with a different look). You can add physical folders to the project. When you add a "Group" they are mixed in with top-level folders with a yellow folder icon. You can drag other folders/sub-folders/files into a group and have it copy those references.

The reason behind this is "Groups" are a temporary workspace that can be easily removed (delete key deletes reference without asking). "Folders" are permanent parts of your project (delete asks you if you want to delete the actual file). With "top-level" folders you can either delete the actual folder or reference.

I know some others may actually prefer having "active files" in a side bar instead of tabs. This should be a different stackable panel.

With the tabs themselves, would be nice if they worked like Firefox's tabs (don't squish tabs too much, they fall off at some point and arrows appear, and a menu is on the right side to see all tabs).