
Use the 2 finger left/right swipe gesture on OS X to navigate between open files

Joshua Poehls hace 14 años actualizado por ken ohata hace 12 años 2
Either go back/forward through a history of recently accessed files (probably the most logical) or simply left/right thru the tabs.

Syntax Highlighting for .less files

Byron Corrales Rivas hace 13 años actualizado por Dan Rogers hace 13 años 2
What I need to do for at least have syntax highlighting for less files, for the moment that sublimetext just load the file as normal css file while  an official support to less syntax is available

An acme mode that enables mouse chording and 9p plumbing.

Roger Roach hace 11 años 0

It would be awesome to have a mode that enables similar functionality found in plan9's acme editor. Features like mouse chording with a 3 button mouse and interfacing with 9p would be invaluable additions to sublime text.    



PHP "Reindent Lines"

aalexgabi hace 13 años actualizado por Marco Cervellin hace 12 años 1
I am mainly a PHP developer and I'm using Netbeans IDE.

I consider auto-formatting functionality in NetBeans very well done. It indents automatically the entire file, which is desirable all the time because it's well done. The indentation is not only done horizontally but also vertically, meaning more than one empty lines are reduced to one etc.

After some hours struggling I found how to add the keyboard shortcut for the "Reindent Lines" command found in command palette but not in menu:
{ "keys": ["shift+alt+f"], "command": "reindent", "args": {"single_line": false}}

In PHP I found some problems in Reindent:

I suggest:
- Adding vertical reindentation
- Adding a shortcut key to "Reindent Lines"
- Adding "Reindent Lines" to menu
- Improving "Reindent Lines" by using NetBeans styling rules

Some bugs I found in "Reindent Lines":

namespace ens\database;

class DbManager {

    static $connections = array(
        'master' => array(
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'root',
            'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=ctc',
            'prefix' => ''
            static $test = array(
                'lala' => 'lolo'
                static function connectAll() {
                    foreach (self::$connections as &$connection)
                    $connection['connection'] = new \ens\database\DbConnection($connection['dsn'], $connection['username'], $connection['password']);
                static function lala($test){


That should be something like:

namespace ens\database;

class DbManager {

    static $connections = array(
        'master' => array(
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'root',
            'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=ctc',
            'prefix' => ''
    static $test = array(
        'lala' => 'lolo'

    static function connectAll() {
        foreach (self::$connections as &$connection)
            $connection['connection'] = new \ens\database\DbConnection($connection['dsn'], $connection['username'], $connection['password']);

    static function lala($test) {


Backup files on save

Christoph Häckel hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
It would be great to have the option to backup each file on save.
This option is present in Notepad++ and I really like to have this feature.
Background: using sshfs or WebDrive to connect to remote computers,
sometimes saving fails. In these situations it's great to have a local backup
Specifying backup-suffix or directory (I keep a local directory for all backups,
named by filename.suffix-DATE (default in Notepad++) would be nice.
This option also helps if someone overwrites your changes without refreshing
the file first - some editors don't scan for changes... ;-)

console colours

Daniele Niero hace 14 años actualizado por Marcus Downing hace 13 años 1
It would be nice to have different colours in the console, at least just black and red to identify errors from normal output text 

Use desktop default font in the UI rather than just Sans on Linux

Alex Smith hace 13 años 0
Desktop environments have a user interface font setting (for example on GNOME 3 this defaults to Cantarell). This is not necessarily the same as what the Sans alias refers to. Sublime Text 2 appears to just uses Sans as its font, which for me means that its UI (apart from the menu bar which I guess is rendered by GTK) is using a different font to the rest of my desktop. It would be good if it could instead use the desktop configured font instead (not entirely sure how to find it, GTK possibly has a mechanism to do so), or at least have a configuration option to set the UI font.

Sync settings/themes/snippets/ etc (without Dropbox)

Luke Scott hace 14 años actualizado por Vladimir Starkov hace 12 años 18
I know some people symlink the folder with Dropbox... but it would be nice to have an official cross-platform Sync feature that allowed you to sync your preferences/settings/themes/snippets/etc... with all the computers you develop on.

If not hosted on the sublime website through some sort of account, perhaps something we can setup on a server or a dedicated machine.

The reason for this is I develop primarily on my work machine, but I have a computer at home I also do work on. Getting everything just right takes a little time, and being able to have all those changes as they happen by synced would be awesome.

Live editing of html, css with live preview feature like brackets?

Andy VJ hace 12 años en Plugin announcements 0

It will be a treat for the front end developers. Brackets is kinda heavy compared to Sublime. Please consider this feature.


Request: No leading slash on "File: Copy Path from Project" command

Lorin Hochstein hace 12 años 0

I often use the "File: Copy Path from Project" command, but it prepends a /, for example:


Since project paths are always relative to the location of the project, it would be more useful if there was no leading slash:



vertical tabs

Robert Teshinsky hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

akin to this:

Image 248


iCloud Support

Alejandro Rodríguez hace 12 años 0

I would really love to have iCloud support on Sublime text. That way I no longer have to think about where my documents live.


Syntax Highlighting for Scheme

Tyler Robertson hace 14 años 0

You have it for "Lisp", and I understand why you left it out for the hundreds of dialects, but why not have it for the Scheme R6RS spec, which is pretty official? 

I'm only asking because I'm currently working through SICP, and my code looks like plain text with highlighted numbers and strings. 



'File'->'Clone' is the wrong term for a new view

ipearx hace 13 años actualizado por Matthew Lloyd hace 13 años 5
The term 'clone' for creating a new view just doesn't make sense under the 'file' menu. When chosen it doesn't clone the file, it creates a new view of the same file, so it should really be under the 'view' menu.

I would expect 'file' -> 'clone' to actually create a new file with the same content, which can then be saved with a different file name, much like Photoshop's 'duplicate' command.

I would suggest moving the feature to become 'View' -> 'New view' or something similar.

Highlight column (crosshairs)

Charles Feduke hace 13 años actualizado por icylace hace 12 años 2
A new setting, "highlight_column" exactly like the existing setting "highlight_line" that when set to `true` highlights the cursor's current column in the same manner as the line being highlighted.

With both highlight options set to true should create a crosshairs effect.

Additionally a command that toggles these values that can be bound to a keyboard shortcut would be useful (command for "highlight_line", "highlight_column", "crosshairs").

Display image data (width, height, src, etc..) instead of displaying image data into the editor itself (or allow me to preview image details in the project sidebar)

lamonte harris hace 13 años 0
There should be an easier way to see the images width, height, etc... in the projects sidebar or when clicking on the image it shows this information in the editor instead of the actual contents.

Possibility to open hidden files

Maurice Kühlborn hace 13 años actualizado por Sebastian Büttner hace 12 años 1
Would be nice to be able to toggle hidden files in open dialog if you want to edit your apache config or the likes.

Automatically detect merge conflict markers (>>>>>) and paint them as red regions in the minimap

Patrick Corcoran hace 13 años 0
When a file has merge conflict markers in it (eg. >>>>>>>) it would be helpful to see these displayed in the minimap.  Perhaps displayed with a red background instead of white/gray.

Multiple rows of tabs, colouring tabs

Ricky Haggett hace 12 años 0

My request is for the tab-bar to offer the option of multiple rows of tabs. When I am working with a lot of files at once it would be really helpful to see them all as tabs (rather than hidden in a menu), and get to learn where they all are.

Colouring rows or individual tabs, either arbitrarily or with simple rules (e.g. colouring by file-type) would be super helpful too.


Drag and drop external files into code

Brian Yuen hace 13 años actualizado por afields hace 9 años 3
Recent convert from Texmate and really loving ST2.  One thing that I truly miss is the ability to drag and drop image/css/js files from the project sidebar into an open HTML or CSS window.

For example, if I'm editing a html page, dragging an image from the sidebar into the body of the html will produce:

<img src="my_image_file_from_sidebar.jpg" height="100" width="100" />

or if it's a css file

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css_file.css">