Your requests by status


Has the command to toggle word wrapping been implemented yet?

Falcon NL fa 14 anys updated by jaming ring fa 7 anys 8

Dragging last file from a window should close window

Falcon NL fa 14 anys updated by Nick fa 13 anys 2

Command for toggling find panel settings

Falcon NL fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 0

Ignore menu mnemonics when menu is hidden

Falcon NL fa 13 anys 0

No output panel when exec called from input panel

Falcon NL fa 14 anys updated by Alexander S. fa 13 anys 1

HTML snippets no longer work

Falcon NL fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 4

Panels disappear when they don't fit in the window

Falcon NL fa 14 anys 0