Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Cloud based version

John Jamie 12 years ago 0

Version that can be accessed via Chrome, Firefox or other browsers so device doesn't matter and content can be accessed anywhere.


Single mini-map when opening two views of same file

Steven Lu 12 years ago 0
In the mini-map is a lighter rectangle indicating primary viewport. When the same file is opened in two views, only a single mini-map is necessary: It would have two of these position rectangles!

Also, related to this, it would be great if highlights update across views of the same file also (i.e. I click on a variable in one view, and all instances of that variable also get highlighted on the other view). 

Fantastic work so far. This editor is truly sublime. 

PHP # comment bug

Gerwin van Royen 12 years ago updated by Mihkel Miliste 12 years ago 1
When coding in PHP, a # shouldn't be a comment. 

replace with preserve case bug

PhalconPHP 12 years ago updated by Saad Farooq 11 years ago 3
I think the "replace all" option have a bug, follow these steps:

Write: MySQL

Replace all MySQL by PostgreSQL, final replacement is: PoSTGreSQL

Preserve Case is enabled.

Why do I have tabs, when I open a file with sublime?

aristidesfl 12 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 12 years ago 0
If I open one file with sublime, why do I see a tab which has no functionality?
Jon Skinner 12 years ago
By Design

Need help please.

HBOSOFFICE 11 years ago updated by sqlitedog 11 years ago 5


I am new at using Sublime, can anyone send me tutorial to set it up correctly, I am solely on a Mac Lion. I will use the Sublime editor for HTML5 / CSS / jQuery / PHP / Javascript and Python. I could not find HTML5 on the syntax. 

Thank you.


not sure where to report bugs

Adam Murphy 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
not sure where to report bugs, but i'm totally bummed my downloading of a new copy of ST2 killed my customized twilight theme :[

i had a custom version of it i'd made, thought i had a backup, bummer man.

Smart comments - update on save

PatrickTaylorEdwards 11 years ago updated by Jacob Gardner 11 years ago 1

Perhaps this already exists, but I would love my comments to be updated each time I save a file. For example, I have a comment at the start of all my JavaScript files and when I save the file I would like my comment to update, automatically. The comment includes information such as 'Modified By', 'Date last edited', and the file name. A plugin or feature to add a default comment with this information, in my set format, would be really useful; I imagine it would work in the same way as default email signatures - but with variables.


Upgrading to 3 automatically import all your pluggins and UI settings from v2

Craig Russo 11 years ago 0

When 3 is released can it import all your settings and plugins from 2 so you don't have to install and configure all that stuff again? I have the side bar in a dark color scheme and just a punch of plugins installed that while its easy to install them when you have a lot it's a pain.


cheema 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 7