
Pressing escape when viewing a preview buffer should return user to previous buffer

ybakos 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 1
Man oh man do I love ST2.

I'd like to recommend a new feature. When I click on a file once in the sidebar, a "preview" buffer appears (a tab-less buffer). This is nice, but I'd like to be able to press ESC to return me to the previous tab/buffer I was viewing rather than having to click somewhere.

For example: double-click a file in the sidebar, notice that a tab has appeared containing that file's buffer. Now click once on another file in the sidebar, and notice that a tabless buffer appears. If I'm done viewing that file's contents, I need to click the first file's tab in order to make the tabless buffer appear.



Thanks for the request. There are already a couple of ways of doing this from the keyboard:

- ctrl+tab back to the previous file
- close the transient file, via ctrl+f4 or command+w

Thanks for the request. There are already a couple of ways of doing this from the keyboard:

- ctrl+tab back to the previous file
- close the transient file, via ctrl+f4 or command+w
Ah, thanks Jon. cmd-w works for me.

Thanks for a great editor.