Support for xdebug breakpoints, or a way to add support via plugin
Would be awesome to be able to debug PHP code within Sublime Text. xdebug provides breakpoint support. Basically need a way to place breakpoints, highlight the line, etc...
So either built in support for xdebug, or the means for a plugin to respond to placed breakpoints and display debug data.
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MacGDBp didn't work for me. It's really buggy. I use Netbeans for xdebug stuff, which has led me to use Netbeans more for development. Netbeans is a good IDE, it's just heavy. It has a lot of "nice" features, it just isn't as powerful of an editor as Sublime. So I use both. But I would use just Sublime if I had xdebug and git integration.
But Sublime with PHP debugging ... amazing!
Is anyone else having trouble with that or have any idea what the problem might be?