
Enable keyboard hotkeys for Close File dialog

Sam Blomberg 11 year бұрын updated by Max K 9 ай бұрын 1

This is a minor functionality tweak, but it would be great to have hotkeys for the Close File dialog that duplicate similar applications' functionality. Here's the Sublime Text dialog in question:

Image 261

Here are the hotkeys I propose:

d - Same as clicking "Don't Save"

c - Same as clicking "Cancel"

s - Same as clicking "Save"

Here's the same Photoshop dialog for which the above hotkeys function properly:

Image 262

Why make this change? It's much more friendly to keyboard-users who use Cmd+W to quickly close multiple open files.

Thanks for the consideration!

I faced exactly the same problem when tried to close a file and I need to move hand from keyboard to the mouse every time to confirm the action, its really annoying. I guess in windows we could press a button like Alt and the hot key was underlined, why dont we do the similar here with Cmd button? Would be really nice to have!

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