
Be able to remap the ctrl, alt, shift, and command keys in OSX so they behave like on PC

Chris Hulbert 14 лет назад обновлен Jon Skinner 13 лет назад 2
I've come from a PC using Notepad++ where i can, eg, hold ctrl and press an arrow to jump between words. But on OSX i need to hold alt to do the same thing. It'd be GREAT if there was an option to remap this, and all the other shortcuts, on osx. PLEASE


All key bindings are configurable. Take a look at Packages/Default/Default (<platform>).sublime-keymap, and copy the bindings you'd like from the Windows version into the OSX version.
All key bindings are configurable. Take a look at Packages/Default/Default (<platform>).sublime-keymap, and copy the bindings you'd like from the Windows version into the OSX version.
Thanks so much for the help!
For future reference, i put the following in my user map (Menu>Sublime Text 2>Preferences>User key bindings)

{ "keys": ["ctrl+left"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+right"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+left"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": false, "extend": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+right"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": true, "extend": true} },

{ "keys": ["home"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bol", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["end"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["shift+home"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bol", "extend": true} },
{ "keys": ["shift+end"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+home"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bof", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+end"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eof", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+home"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bof", "extend": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+end"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eof", "extend": true} },

{ "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find"} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "replace"} },

{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "save" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+s"], "command": "prompt_save_as" }
Chris, thanks for posting these - They saved me a ton of time - I would have been happy with Home and End, so the other variations are a nice bonus!

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