Challenge: machine learning repeated typed codes/code patterns to create automatic snippets or conversations

Isaac Xin Pei 12 years ago 0

it would be a challenge, but I never saw that done through machine learning/in an automatic way. Currently I am working on my emacs setups to 'manually' run programs, just to play to extract patterns. Using some statistics, we may be able to extract patterns at a certain/statistically useful pattern, and apply it -> make it a much automatically process then creating our own snippets by hands.

with sublime text 2: it's at an unique position to do so - with it's python plugin and modern interface.


close tabs to the right on the last tab

thebugfinder 12 years ago 0

When I right click on the last tab, i still get to see the "close tabs to the right" option, i click on it and obviously nothing happens.


How to check if modifier key is pressed via API?

aristidesfl 11 years ago 0

While using the keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs, when the modifier keys used in the shortcut are released, the active tab gets added to the top of stack.

As far as I could search for, there is currently no way to check for pressed modifier keys, so it is impossible to replicate this mechanic in plugins, for example to order the tabs according to stack.

This feedback is for the implementation of any one of the following features:

- A way to monitor modifier keys

- A "keyup/keydown" even to subscribe to.

- A "tab_added_to_stack" event to subscribe to.

While any of the mentioned features would allow the creation of a plugin to order tabs according to stack, if you know another way to do it, please let me know.



Memorizable multi-pane and "dive into"

Andrey Titov 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Multi-pane is very useful

As i work i often switch between pane layouts - sometimes i compare files and then i need to focus on one of them, so i switch to single-pane layout, after corrections are done i wish to go back to state i was in before.
But the files are all in first panel.

What i miss is a ability to remember which file was in which pane.

Search results: is it possible to ignore binary files silentlly?

Alexey Ozerov 11 years ago 0
Currently search results look like this:

Unable to open /path/to/file/which/belongs/to/root

1: Line1
2: Line2
3: SearchResult
4: Line4
4: Line5

Is it possible to suppress outputs for all binary files?
Stable, Build 3059

/ search is not a motion in vintage mode

Ibrahim Tencer 13 years ago updated by Ilya Grigoriev 12 years ago 1
E.g. if you do "d/the<cr>", it does not delete up to the next occurrence of "the", it just moves up to it. This would be a really nice thing to have.

Pressing ESC to exit Find will jump to a different location in the file after you've already placed your cursor in the file...

Benson Russell 12 years ago 0

So I press cntrl + i to execute a find.  I start typing into the find dialog and the location in my file jumps around as I type (this is normal so far).  Instead of committing to the find, I decide to click directly into the file (i.e. I highlight something).  I then press ESC, and my location in the file jumps to somewhere else.  It seems like if you click into the file, that means you're committed to that location and pressing ESC shouldn't relocate you.

BTW, best editor ever!!!  I was an avid UE32 user, then a friend at work showed me ST...  Never going back!!  :)


sublime text unable to save permission denied

Justin Veirs 11 years ago 0
as i'm trying to save my first program 'hello world' as an index.html file, and yea, I get unable to save permission denied. any suggestions, and / or help would be greatly appreciated. 

help me with the numbers

Kai Stenbro 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1

can someone help me to get back my numbers on the side?

see here.

Image 191


Syntax drop down menu cuts off

James Brooks 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
As seen on the picture: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Photos/Sublime/syntaxmenu.png?w=ad060a4b

I'm unable to get further down the menu without only using keyboard shortcuts to open View->Syntax then scroll (using arrow keys).

Om Capitol Medical Group

lisashearin 11 years ago 0

Capitol Medical Group ( CMG ) er blevet yde pleje til patienter fra fødsel til 21 år gammel i Washington DC -området siden 1987. Det er et privilegium og ære for os at deltage i pleje af dine børn og se dem vokse . Vores team af udbydere er forpligtet til at levere omfattende lægebehandling med den nyeste medicinske viden tilgængelig . Capitol Medical Group består af syv bord-certificeret børnelæger , en pædiatrisk sygeplejerske praktiserende læge , en certificeret amning konsulent , og cirka 20 sygepleje og medicinsk hjælpepersonale.

På Capitol Medical Group , er vi stolte af at tilbyde nogle af de bredeste og mest varierede samling af pædiatrisk erfaring og viden på området Washington . Vi er stolte af at levere state of the art lægehjælp med en følsomhed over for den kulturelle egenart af vores familier. Vi ser frem til at udvikle et langvarigt forhold med dig og din familie og til at hjælpe dine børn vokse ind i sunde glade voksne.

In memoriam
Richard Lee Jones, der grundlagde Capitol Medical Group i 1987, døde juli 2012. Hans engagement og lidenskab i omsorgen for børn og deres familier vil altid være med os.

Some way to skip selection with Super+D

Sven Axelsson 13 years ago updated by Aaron Stagl 12 years ago 1
Using Super+D to select consecutive instances of the current selection is really useful. However, it would be even better if there was some way to skip one instance and just carry on to the next. When using this e.g. for refactoring variable names you can come across instances where the selected text is not a variable. It would be great to easily skip those.

D Programming Language Syntax Highlighting Bugs

Alex Rønne Petersen 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 4
This is a list of bugs/oddities with the D syntax highlighting.
  • assert is not highlighted as an expression like cast.
  • package is not highlighted as a visbility modifier like public, protected, etc.
  • @disable, @property, @safe, @trusted, and @system are not highlighted (declaration attributes).
  • __traits is not highlighted (expression).
  • __gshared is not highlighted (storage modifier).
  • ref is not highlighted (parameter modifier).
  • shared and immutable are not highlighted (type modifiers like const).
  • The string, wstring, and dstring types are not highlighted.
  • opBinary and opBinaryRight are not highlighted as operator overloads.
  • __vector is not highlighted (type modifier).
  • __simd is not highlighted (expression).
  • __ctfe is not highlighted (expression).

Crown Capital Management Projects - VISESA UBUD RESORT

Nadia Langlais 11 years ago 0

Description : Visesa’s natural environment is an inspiring palate of sights, sounds, aromas and textures. Within the grounds, there are different landscapes – rice fields, lagoon, rivers, ponds, open skies, natural forest – so you can find your own place of comfort; a place that resonates with an energy that nurtures and reconnects you with nature through all of your senses.

Location : Visesa offers you a very natural, authentic ambience - a genuine sanctuary in harmony with the natural surroundings – and yet less than a kilometre from the main road of Ubud. With lush vegetation, cascading streams and overlooking idyllic and verdant ravines and tropical rain forests, the spirit of a place is an integral part of your experience. Only 45 minutes from and to Denpasar, 5 minutes to Ubud Art Market ( pasar seni ubud ) and 15 minutes to monkey forest. 

Land size : Total 40000 m2 (4 hectares), with more than 50 unit villas and residence of all types. Also include the entrance area, restaurant, spa, swimming pool, lagoon, and natural ricefields. 

Offering price : Contact our sales at (+62)361-270156

Progress : Selling unit and project development.



Tana Goldfields News - Now's Your Chance to Own an Entire Gold Mining Ghost Town

Garry Wharley 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0

Now's Your Chance to Own an Entire Gold Mining Ghost Town

Image 265

Need to expand your property portfolio? Ever dreamed of owning your very own ghost town? Get excited, because the old mining town of Seneca, California just went up for sale, complete with a gold mine, three cabins, and a working distillery. You really can buy anything on Craigslist.

Once home to a thriving community of gold miners, Seneca, formerly known as North Fork, is a 12 acre plot of land in Plumas County, California that has been slowly drying up since the post office closed in 1943. Sure, it once hosted the "Woodstock of the West" for thousands of people in the 70's, but gone are the hotels, casinos, and feed stores that once made up the booming town.

Still standing, however, are a number of cabins, a working gin distillery (with liquor license!), one of the oldest restaurants in the area, and even a defunct opium den still exists within the mine built by Chinese workers. Sound enticing? It can all be yours for just a quarter of a million dollars.

If you think the asking price of $225,000 is a little steep, consider this: the largest gold nugget discovered in Seneca was 43 ounces in weight. With today's gold prices, that's worth $414,763.10 - almost enough to buy yourself a second ghost town. Or a fully stocked opium den.




Tips for those waiting to receive proof of insurance coverage

Ava Watson 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0
Information submitted
COLUMBUS — Complications with the federal health insurance exchanges have created challenges for some consumers who have not yet received proof of their insurance coverage. As a result, many consumers are unsure if their medical treatments are covered and are unable to provide their proof of coverage.
“Since open enrollment began on Oct. 1 the federal exchange has struggled to process applications and enroll consumers in coverage,” Ohio Lieutenant Governor and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor said. “These delays are making it more difficult and confusing for consumers to use the health insurance plans they have purchased through the federal exchange.”
If you recently purchased a plan, but still haven’t received proof of insurance from your insurance company, Taylor offers these tips.
Contact the Company
The first thing you should do is contact your insurance company to verify that you do have insurance coverage. Ask your insurance company for proof of coverage, such as an insurance card or identification numbers. Take detailed notes of conversations and include the representatives names, and date and time they took place. Keep copies of written communication you received from your insurance company such as emails or letters. You may need these materials later.
You should also verify that you have paid your first premium on time. Some insurers have permitted late payments for coverage that is retroactively effective to Jan. 1. Ask your insurer for their deadline and keep any records that can serve as proof of payment.
If you are about to buy coverage from the federal exchange, print any paperwork or confirmations that you receive during the enrollment process.
Payment Options
You may need to get a prescription filled or see your doctor before you receive your insurance card. Your provider (hospital, doctor, pharmacy) may be able to verify your coverage by contacting your insurer directly. If verification of coverage cannot be obtained, you still have options. One option is to pay for expenses out of pocket.

Once your insurance coverage is effective, your insurance company should reimburse you to the extent that the service or medication is covered under your policy. You may also be able to work with your doctor’s office, hospital or pharmacy to delay payment or set up a payment plan until they can verify that you’re insured.
Keep your receipts and any bank statements that show that you’ve paid for the services.
Contact the Ohio Department of Insurance
If you are still having difficulty obtaining proof of coverage from your insurance company, call the Ohio Department of Insurance consumer hotline at 1-800-686-1526 for assistance. Insurance information is available at www.insurance.ohio.gov. You can follow the Department on twitter @OHInsurance and on Facebook.


MacOS crash on very long lines returned by program execution

Pēteris Paikens 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Found a repeatable crash on very long lines returned by executing a program through Build feature. 
   The particular case where I found it returned ~6mb of text data; if it was separated by newlines then everything was great, the results were copyable out of the build results window, everything worked quickly. But if the same results are w/o newlines (i.e., a single line of 6m characters), then SublimeText crashes after program finishes to execute and needs to be force-quit.
2181 beta of SublimeText; latest macos Lion.

Tab size should be computed in space units, not em units

    11 years ago 0
ST2 currently computes tab size using em units (or something else that ends up measuring 1 em) instead of spaces. This matters with proportional fonts, where a space is this wide: | | while an em unit is this wide: | |.

Setting Tab width to 4, for example, should indent the text by a width of 4 text spaces which is this: |  |, instead ST2 indents by 4 em units, which is way too wide: |    |.

See this forum post.

Hash within double-quoted strings in Ruby package

Dayton Nolan 11 years ago 0

In the default Ruby package there is a completion for interpolation within double quoted strings which is handy but is annoying when attempting to insert a literal hash. The following is a way to accommodate both use-cases by allowing to delete the enclosing braces or tab into them:

"contents": "#${1:{${2:$SELECTION}\\}}"


Top Tips for Travel for the Year Ahead

marina2zimmer 11 years ago 0
Pól Ó Conghaile has just been named the Travel Extra Travel Journalist of the Year, awarded for “his exceptional body of work” including articles written for the Irish Examiner and the National Geographic.

TWO-thirds of Irish workers don’t take their full annual leave, according to a survey by Hotels.com. Respondents fail to take the holidays to which they are entitled “because they are too busy” or “they just don’t get around to taking them”.

This is at odds with how much we complain about stress. It can’t be entirely about the money, either. Surely, most of us can afford to take a day or two off to explore our own backyard?

Then, it struck me. Travel has changed over the recession. Because so many of us have been financially pinched, we haven’t kept up with those changes.

Thomas Cook’s decision to cease operating Irish charters, from April 30, demonstrates that traditional holidays are in flux.

‘Dynamic packaging’ is one of the travel buzzwords du jour, with licensed and bonded online companies, like budgetair.ie, clickandgo.com and lowcostholidays.ie, allowing consumers to package scheduled flights with accommodation into holidays that suit.

That means more midweek departures, a wider selection of readily accessible short breaks, and real savings — provided you travel off-peak

Faced with increasing competition online, not to mention the fact that Aer Lingus and Ryanair now fly directly to destinations like Malaga, Corfu and the Canary Islands, tour operators have had to get creative. That’s good news for holidaymakers, as anyone flicking through the special offers, package deals, and holiday suggestions in today’s Weekend travel special will see.

Thomas Cook is on the way out, but 2014 sees Falcon fly to Rhodes, direct Aer Lingus flights to San Francisco and Toronto, from April, double-daily services from Dublin to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and a host of new Ryanair routes from Shannon, and other airports.

I still advise talking to a travel expert before booking a holiday.

That applies particularly to families, and for big splashes, like honeymoons. Transfers, reps and free-hold baggage are incentives, too.

1) Get your timing right...
Travel will always change, but certain truths remain evergreen. Holidaymakers with the freedom to travel off-peak (i.e. outside of weekends and school holidays) score the biggest savings. Even changing your departure by a few days can make a difference. Going to press, for example, a week’s skiing with a four-star hotel booked through Topflight (topflight.ie) in Söll, Austria cost from €1,179pp over the mid-term break (February 16-22). A week later the same holiday was €831pp.

2) Save the date...
Ryanair is the surprise travel story of the decade, with customer service improvements now including allocated seating, lower airport baggage fees and free small carry-on bags. June 1 ushers in ‘high season’, which sees Ryanair boost fees for the first 15kg bag from €15 to €25 and Aer Lingus up its lowest rates on 15kg bags from €15 to €20. ‘Low season’ rates return on October 1. Limit fees by restricting yourself to carry-on allowance.

3) Take to the river...
River cruise ships are smaller than their oceangoing counterparts, making not just for a more intimate experience, but for unrivalled access to inland towns, cities and countryside. Excursions are a big feature of programmes by Uniworld (uniworld.ie) and AmaWaterways (sunway.ie), and this year sees Trailfinders (trailfinders.ie) publish its first river cruise brochure.

4) Try a luxury hostel...
2014 will be a breakthrough year for luxury hostels (or ‘poshtels’, if you prefer). They combine a more comfortable experience with the communal vibe and affordability of a hostel. Check budgettraveller.org for a list of the hottest properties in Europe, along with their en suite rooms, pools, saunas and more. The blog’s author, Kash Bhattacharya, is one of the experts in the area.

5) Value your time...
Experiential holidays will continue to grow in 2014, with niche offerings like foodie tours of Little Italy (New York) and cycling in the Dordogne (France) hooking into our increasing interest in memorable and shareable trips. Budget travellers will go to great lengths to save money, instead of spending two weeks on honeymoon in a four-star hotel, why not splurge on10 days in a five-star, or treat yourself to a direct flight?

6) Skip the queues...
Why do we persist in rocking up at the world’s biggest attractions without booking in advance? We book flights and hotel rooms ahead, and the same should apply for flagship attractions like the Vatican, Louvre or Rijksmuseum.

7) Pick a better airplane seat...
Flash new travel apps come and go — it’s the ones that stick around that matter.
Skyscanner is brilliant when it comes to comparing flight routes and prices, I’m predicting much more from Hotel Tonight in 2014, and SeatGuru.com is a good bet for getting the best possible seat on the plane.
Say I’m flying from Cork to Lanzarote with Aer Lingus next Saturday. By entering the airline, date and flight number (EI876) into SeatGuru’s app, I can pull up a map of the Airbus A320 on the route. There, I learn that not just the back rows (29) have limited recline, but so does Row 11 as well — due to the exit row behind.
Little things can go a long way — especially on long-haul flights.
If you’re travelling long-haul, check in online 24 hours ahead. “That’s when travellers with elite status often get upgraded,” says Wendy Perrin of Condé Nast Traveler. Eagle-eyed economy class passengers can pounce on the seats they leave vacant.

8) Do’s and don’ts for Disneyland Paris...
Disney’s current ‘Yes’ Days promotion offers up to two free days per family, so it’s certainly tempting to price up a trip. A successful visit depends on a few simple steps, however — namely using the Fastpass, reserving restaurants in advance, bringing the buggy and travelling midweek.

9) Shop around...
Before booking a holiday, check prices with several operators. Or better still, use sites like holidaysonline.ie — which provide results from several operators like Topflight, Sunway and Falcon.
The Irish Travel Agents’ Association (ITAA) posts weekly special offers from its members on itaa.ie offers too. It’s a great resource for holiday bargains hot off the press.

10) The kids are all right...
Finding a family-friendly property is easier said than done.
One of my favourite new family travel websites is kidandcoe.com. It not only selects cool, family-friendly properties in destinations all over the world, but lists the specific criteria that parents want to check — such as whether there’s a lift, dishwasher, changing table or high chair — as well as personal impressions and neighbourhood tips.
