
Selecting text via mouse causes screen to scroll at unpredictable speed. Change so it scrolls faster if mouse is just below/above the sublimetext window, and faster if it's far below/above window.You can use XCode for example how it's done.

Bluepeak 12 lat temu 0
Selecting text via mouse causes screen to scroll at unpredictable speed. Change so it scrolls faster if mouse is just below/above the sublimetext window, and faster if it's far below/above window.You can use XCode for example how it's done.

Pressing escape in the Find Dialogue should take you back to where you were

Greenwich 13 lat temu 0
Much like pressing escape when you've Cmd + T'd or Cmd + R'd will take you back to your current cursor position, so should pressing escape for Cmd + F.

I consider this an inconsistency and therefore a UI bug.

Add a "match_quotes_single" option to the preferences

Mike Butcher 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
I often find myself changing a "smart" apostrophe to a "single quote" style from something I've copied and pasted, but this causes the smart quote to be wrapped in single quotes. Bleh. Adding a "match_quotes_single" option to the prefs would be perfect for disabling this feature that just happens to go against what I have done for years.

Some potential improvements to the explorer-system within the editor

P Meijer 12 lat temu 0

The thing that i miss compared to my old editor(Aptana) is moving files and folders(into each other). I can only do this within windows explorer. It's also not possible to start a new project(without placing it into an existing folder), or to create a new folder without doing this in windows explorer. So I would really suggest that you guys do some improvements at the project explorer. 


highlight multiple occurrences

Lee Connell 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez adzenith 13 lat temu 1
You can use Ctrl + D to highlight the next occurrence of a word, but how bout an option to do that automatically like notepad++ or pydev does.  It highlights all occurrences of the word at the cursor automatically.

Add a fast open feature

Henrique Boaventura 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jon Skinner 11 lat temu 1
It would be much easier and faster to open files if Sublime Text 2 had the feature of fast open files (gedit, textmate and other editors already have this). 
Somehow, sublime text could read the project tree and use it on to fast open those files. Hit a  keybind and open a prompt, when you begin to type, it already search in the project files for the pattern
Jon Skinner 13 lat temu
Press Ctrl+P (Command+P on OS X), or choose Find/Goto Anything from the menu

Use correct $PATH on OS X

eproxus 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 2

Sublime Text 2 does not pickup the correct $PATH variable on OS X. It's configurable in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist and most GUI programs use it. Sublime Text 2 should use this as wel.


Slow keyboard repeat

Fredrik Fostvedt 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Gatovadio Do Telhado 11 lat temu 1

I have my key repeat speed set to max. When I delete characters in an unsaved document, the repeat is slower than usual. Running 2.0.1 2217 on mac osx


JavaScript completion

alpha logic 11 lat temu 0

JavaScript Completion should include:

Statement completion:

if...else if...else








popup Boxes completion:


prompt('message', 'default value')


Function completion:



Array Object Properties completion

Array Object Methods completion

Boolean Object Properties completion

Boolean Object Methods completion



Date Object Properties completion

Date Object Methods completion

Math Object Properties completion

Math Object Methods completion

Number Object Properties completion

Number Object Methods completion

String Object Properties completion

String Object Methods completion

RegExp Object Properties completion

RegExp Object Methods completion


Global Object Properties completion

Global Object Methods completion:















Window Object Properties completion

Window Object Methods completion

Navigator Object Properties completion

Navigator Object Methods completion

Screen Object Properties completion

Location Object Properties completion

Location Object Methods completion

History Object Properties completion

History Object Methods completion

Document Object Properties completion

Document Object Methods completion


HTML DOM Objects Properties completion

HTML DOM Objects Methods completion

HTML DOM Objects Events completion


Ctrl+w, Ctrl+w in vintage mode

Ben McRedmond 12 lat temu 0
Ctrl+w, Ctrl+w in vintage mode would be a great addition for switching between split panes.

Save on view leave dirty marker even if is_dirty is false

Rodrigue Cloutier 12 lat temu 0

The following plugin will create a new file, open the new file, write to it and then save. Even though the file is marked as not dirty, the tab indicate that it is dirty and trying to close the file prompt the save dialog.

import sublime, sublime_plugin
target = None
def insert_world(view):
    edit = view.begin_edit()
    view.insert(edit, 0, "Hello world!")
    print view.is_dirty() # print False
class SaveStillDirtyBugListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_load(self, view):
        global target
        if target is None:
        if view.file_name() == target.file_name():
            target = None
class SaveStillDirtyBugCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        with open('test', 'w+') as test:
        view = self.view.window().open_file('test')
        if view.is_loading():
            global target
            target = view


Tab characters should be counted as multiple columns

Oleg Oshmyan 14 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 1
For the purposes of the column number indicator in the status bar, a tab character is a single column, but visually it may take, say, four columns. To aid visual column numbering as well as compiler error unscrambling at the same time, the status bar could list a ‘column number’ and a separate ‘character number’.

Shift + F10 should open context menu in Windows.

Ahmet Altay 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jacob Gardner 11 lat temu 1

ST ignores Shift + F10, it is standard for opening context menu in other applications and Windows in general.


Extend window when activating side bar (like a drawer)

Ross A. Reyman 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 11 lat temu 2

When you view/invoke the side bar in Sublime Text 2, the width of the window stays constant—the side bar appears on the left, code in the middle and the mini-map on the right. This usually “squishes” the code view…

It would be nice if there was a way to keep the code and mini-map locked to a specific width and force the window to grow wider when you invoke the side bar. Displaying it as a "drawer" is not really necessary, but making the window expand is mainly what I am suggesting.


with auto_complete_commit_on_tab set to true, return does not clear autocomplete list

Benson Russell 11 lat temu 0
So if you have auto_complete_commit_on_tab set to true, if you invoke an autocomplete list and press enter, the autocomplete list will remain while the cursor will jump down a line (usually behind the autocomplete list).  It seems that if you only want to commit on tab, that pressing enter should clear the list off the screen.

Support opacity in selectionBorder theme color

Matthew Lloyd 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
I use a tiny 6x10 font similar to Proggy that makes use of the top row of pixels in each glyph. The top row gets concealed whenever there's a selection, and I'd like to make the selectionBorder color partly transparent to avoid obscuring important parts of some characters (e.g. the top of an 'f'), e.g. by changing the color in the theme from #222218 to #22221880 or something. This doesn't seem to work yet on Windows.

Cursor in Vintage command mode is a little funny

Ibrahim Tencer 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
It doesn't play well with the mouse - it's apparent that the cursor is actually located to the left of the underline. If you click in the right half of a character it will go to the one to the right of it. And when you click at the end of the line the cursor actually moves to the left to compensate.

Paste doesn't work on Mac OS when using non-english keyboard layout

Yuri Krotov 13 lat temu 0
When I try to paste clipboard into Sublime Text 2, it won't work unless I switch to US keyboard layout. I tried hotkey (Command-V), context menu and main menu.

At least Russian keyboard layout causes this problem.

scroll_past_end=false: buffer scrolls not restored

U N. 13 lat temu 0

When having `scroll_past_end` set to false, workspace buffer scroll positions are not restored upon Sublime close & relaunch, or project switch, except the first visible buffer. Cursor positions within each of buffers are preserved, and selections are preserved too, but all but one buffer scroll positions are reset to top.
Having `scroll_past_end` set to true, scroll positions are preserved properly, both on relaunch and project switch.


Quad Vertical Pane?

Jeff Yeo 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Oktay Acikalin 14 lat temu 4
I have 2 Wide screen monitors. I loved using 4 vertical panes in sublime text 1. I realized you can't do that in Sublime 2.
Bring it back please!