
Show tabs only for current folder

Richard Mišenčík hace 11 años 0

Hello Sublimers,

I have one suggestion. Would it be possible to only show tabs for the folder that Im currently working on?

For example, I have 2 projects open in the sidebar. Project 1 and Project 2. 

I'm working on Project 1 and I have multiple tabs open with files from this project. Now lets say I paused my work on this projects and I started working on new one, I want Sublime to remember my open tabs/files for Project 1, but when I click in the sidebar on Project 2, I want to create tabs/files just for this project, so its not mixed up 


Syntax highlighting <= and >= in Matlab .tmLanguage

Adam Læssøe hace 11 años actualizado por Franklin Yu hace 8 años 1
The order of the regex to recognize operators is wrong. Details and solution here:


Please merge to official package.

Sublime Text sometimes freezes when deleting files and folders via the sidebar

Andrew Meyer hace 12 años 0

I'm experiencing an issue in which Sublime Text sometimes freezes for around 10-15 seconds when I delete a file or folder via the project sidebar. This doesn't happen ALL the time, and I haven't been able to consistently reproduce the bug, but it does happen fairly often and it's rather annoying.


change window scroll behaviour when swapping line with selection

Jan Löfberg hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
When swapping lines with multiple rows of text selected, the window starts to scroll when the caret position hits top/bottom of window. 

It would be nice if the end position of the selection was "pushing" the scroll, with a few lines spacing in the direction of line_swap. 

This would give a "heads up" or "look ahead" behavior that would prevent the user from swapping the selection too many lines, ending up having to go back a few lines to get the selection to where it's supposed to be. 

how to goto last postion

sevk hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
how to goto last postion , like vim , ctrl+o and ctrl+i is goback and go on . need it.

And auto complete need band key (ctrl+alt+n) to arrow down instead of arrow down which far away from hand , ( ctrl+alt+p) to arrow up ...

Transliterate selection to ASCII

Mark Bradford hace 12 años 0

One feature I use frequently in TextMate is 'Transliterate selection to ASCII' from the Text bundle, which turns smartquotes and em-dashes and such into ascii text for pasting into a terminal window.  If Sublime Text had this, I might consider making the leap...


When choosing "new file" from a tab pane, make the new file tab in that pane

Andy Duranceau hace 12 años 0

Currently when you right click on a tab strip and select New File, the file is created in the "main" tab instead of the one you clicked on. It would be much better if this file were created in the pane you wish to edit it in.


Unable to save

Vivi-Raa hace 12 años actualizado por Alexander E Jones hace 12 años 1

Hi - im a first time user of sublime. I am learning to code via Treehouse. One of the first things I am required to do is create a file and save it as index.html. Once I try and save it, an error pops up "Unable to save/Index.html. Error: unable to create tmp file in..." - therefore I cannot save and continue on with the tutorial.. Is it because I have an "unregistered" copy? I downloaded a free version off your site.


I can't search for \r as a regex

Chiku hace 12 años actualizado hace 11 años 2

When I have regex enabled and I try to search for \r, no results turn up even if the file contains CRs (carriage returns)

I am using sublime text v2.0.1 build 2217 on Windows.


Indent guides are drawn incorrectly

Gilbert B Garza hace 13 años 0
It seems that nested indentations deeper than two levels get double rendered. The first is in the correct spot, but the second is right next to the code, touching its left side.

It's distracting and looks kind of bad.

Selecting row/column cuts in layouts

Daniel Papp hace 12 años 0

I'm writing a plugin with which has a somewhat similar purpose as the origami plugin. So you have the 'rows' and 'cols' keys in the layout which are arrays with floating point numbers in [0, 1] each of which defining a horizontal or vertical(respectively) line at the given percentage in the window. So the functionality in my plugin is splitting cells, merging cells, re-sizing cells and some other functions but these 3 are the important ones. What I could use if I could select the cuts or create new cuts with the mouse(inside a cell) or just select cuts and move them and by this define the cell merge, creation/split  and re-size. Also if touchscreen will be widespread this will be a pretty neat way to handle cells in sublime.


HTML Comments within PHP Heredoc

Michael Dougherty hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
in a PHP file, ST properly switches to HTML syntax highlighting in the below Heredoc string:

$text = <<<HTML
<a href="whatever">blah</a>
<img src="yeah-right" />

However, if I try to comment a line with Cmd+/ it incorrectly adds PHP comments instead of HTML comments


Save dialog not shown

Simon Bennett hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
When creating a new file where HTML is contained within the first line no save-as dialog box is shown and the file is not saved.  Console error is: Error showing save dialog: 12290

Changing the first line of the file to something simple rectifies the issue.

Auto Complete of Tags

Wayne Barron hace 12 años actualizado por Adrien Dudouit hace 12 años 1

Hello All;
I have been using Dreamweaver for years, not for the coding, but the ease of use with the auto complete function they have in it.
I would LOVE to get away from Dreamweaver, and start using Sublime full time in my production environment, and also for my workers.

This is what I would love to have.

When you type in <tr><td>
Then you type in </
It will automatically complete the closing tags.
So you will have
Right now, you have to choose from the list, and sometimes the list does not appear.

Thanks and keep up the awesome work.
Maybe one day, this program will become my main one.



Add Grunt to default Build Systems

Nick Stakenburg hace 12 años 0

I'd love to see Grunt added to the default build systems.

There are custom build scripts and plugins for Grunt out there, but most of them don't work on all platforms without some modification. It would be nice to see it build in properly.


Goto Definition not going to typedef

Olegs Jeremejevs hace 12 años 0

The C++ code I work with has a lot of typedefs and Goto Definition doesn't detect them. At all.


alt+f3 should honor selection

karatedog hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Selecting a string (let's name it "STR") and pressing Alt+F3 selects all occurrences in the document. Then I can edit all those STR in the document. Good.

Selecting a block of text, then using Ctrl+F to find STR selects all occurrences of STR inside the block of selection only.
I'd like to be able to edit ONLY those matches inside the block, and not all occurrences throughout the document.

File Clone opens the new tab with the minimap open even when minimap is set to hidden

Daniel Azuma hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 1
Build 2036 on Mac OS X.

* Turn minimap off (View -> Hide Minimap)
* Open a file. The tab opens correctly with no Minimap.
* File -> Clone. The new tab opens with a Minimap. The minimap state (according to the menu bar) is still off.

Interestingly, this even seems to happen when using Goto File or Goto Anything to open the buffer a second time. While the Goto dialog is up, and the file previews are appearing behind it, whenever a buffer that is already open is previewed, the minimap appears, and whenever a buffer that is not already open is being previewed, the minimap is not present.

Page-Up, Page-Down in column selection

Пётр Дёмин hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 2
Sometimes I need to delete column in huge document. So I want to select the column using Page-Down, or Ctrl+End (last line of file)

Autofill super function calls intelligently

David S hace 11 años 0

In a function foo in a subclass, I call super::foo(arg1, arg2); when I type super:: Sublime gives several functions to autofill.  foo should be the first, and it should autofill with (arg1, arg2) because these are arguments to the subclass and super foo.