
Make "New View into File" create an exact duplicate of the current view

BillyTom vor 11 Jahren 0

Right now when creating a new view of a file the newly created tab will display the file at row 1 with the cursor at column 1.

The new tab should have the same view port, cursor position etc. as the original tab. Basically, it should be a complete duplicate of the old view.

Please make this available as an option.


Proper vertical align for marks (dot on the left)

Sergei Kim vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Joel Thornton vor 13 Jahren 1
At the moment dot is aligned to the bottom of line.

Image 70

libgio version < 2.26 in Debian Stable / Squeeze

Scott Dunlop vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Fernandes vor 13 Jahren 2
Debian 6.0.0, "Squeeze" has an older libgio implementation than Sublime Text requires for single instance support.

Barring a solution in Sublime Text, users may be able to solve the issue by "apt-pinning" libglib2.0-0 from the "testing" repositories. See http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html for a tutorial on using apt pinning.

"open all with current extension as..." doesn't seem to work

Michele Beltrame vor 13 Jahren 0
The "open all with current extension as..." feature in the bottom-right menu doesn't seem to work: whatever I choose, the checkbox remains on the filetype predefined by Sublime.

I wanted to use this to change .cgi association from Ruby to Perl.

I'm using the latest 2126 build, but this also happened with 2111 (I wasn't using the excellent Sublime Text before that).


Selected file in file list should always correspond to current file

chaiguy vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
For example, when the current tab is changed, the selected file in the file list should change to highlight that file if visible, or deselect if not. Having the file selected implies it is the current file and can be confusing.

Mac sidebar highlight needs to be more mac like

Austin Condiff vor 13 Jahren 0
The highlighted file in the sidebar needs to look more osx like. The highlighted color needs to be darker and the text needs to be white like so: http://screencast.com/t/xXhnwDrh

Shortcut Key for opening folders

John Farrow vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von kutu vor 13 Jahren 1
Need a shortcut key to quickly access open folder dialogue

Call plugin_unloaded when Sublime Text 3 exits or quits

AlanH vor 11 Jahren 0

Plugins need to cleanup things, but Sublime Text 3 exits/quits without calling the plugin_unloaded() function. It's unclear in the api docs whether plugin_unloaded() was meant to be called when Sublime exits. If this is not a bug, is there another way for plugins to cleanup when Sublime Text 3 exits?


Open files on second mouse _up_ instead of mouse _down_

Anders Ingemann vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
When double clicking a file (in windows at least) it opens on the second mousedown event instead of the second mouseup event. This causes the file view to be moved down before the opening action is completed.

Equivalent of mate_wait for subl

Stuart Roebuck vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Sean Tan vor 13 Jahren 1
Sublime Text 2 can be invoked from the command line with `subl` and there is an option `-w` which enables it to wait until the file is closed and then return it so that ST2 can be used as an editor for command line executables that call upon an `$EDITOR`.

However, setting `EDITOR` to `path/to/subl -w` doesn't work for some commands like `crontab` that expect the editor to be just a path to an executable.

TextMate solved this by allowing you to create an alias to `mate` with the suffix `_wait`, e.g. `mate_wait` which would be executed as if the `-w` option had been used.

It would be great if Sublime Text 2 could also add this valuable feature. 

An option to quit Sublime automatically when the last document is closed

Trustin Lee vor 12 Jahren 0

 I wish Sublime for Mac has an option to quit itself automatically when the last document is closed. 


merge sublime settings recursively

Sebastian Thiel vor 11 Jahren 0
Sublime settings files are consulted in a certain order , and files loaded later may overwrite values in files loaded earlier. That way, they may override values and change settings.

When trying PythonTestST3, I tried to change the 'python_test.command' setting in my syntax specific settings, whereas the 'python_test.working_dir' key should be changed in the project settings.

Doing it that way will leave me with settings that only contain the 'python_test.command' key, but not the 'python_test.working_dir' key, as the settings files are apparently not merged recursively, but only for the top-level key.

A recursive algorithm would allow people to layer configurations, and keep values on the level where they belong.

In that particular case, it would be practical to define 'python_test.command' on a per-user or per-machine level, whereas all other configuration could be coming with the project settings, which are shared by everyone.

highlight arbitrary lines

Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Eric Kever vor 12 Jahren 4
I would like to be able to highlight arbitrary lines of text, especially when working on plain text that is not subject to any sort of syntax highlighting.

Column Cut and Paste

Chris Thompson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von adzenith vor 13 Jahren 1
My original editor from the late 80's was Brief which was nearly universal and close to taking over Epsilon, but alas never happened.  However, it was right when Windows was coming about and Premia created a new windows text editor called Codewright (eventually bought and killed by Borland).  This editor allowed you to choose your key mapping, Windows/VI/Brief/Epsilon.  But the biggest feature it had (which originally came from Brief) was the ability to copy/cut/paste columns of data!  I can't tell you the power and speed this adds to my development.  There are so many times when I have a long list of something and to be able to slice out a portion right in the middle and paste it back in, is an AWESOME feature!  I'd love to see this added in, so far I can find no other editor that does this except Codewright and I keep my old version just for that one feature.  Other developers have come to me to be able to quickly edit things that would take them hours and I can do in a few minutes.

HTML5 & CSS3 Live Preview Window

Tux vor 11 Jahren 0
HTML5 & CSS3 Live Preview Window

Better ctrl-tab for last edited files

jm goemaere vor 13 Jahren 0

Ctrl-Tab could show a small dialog (like super-T does) showing the last edited files if the ctrl key is not released. 

So we could use up and down to select any file (or do a fuzzy search). 

The first in the list would of course be the last edited file and on release, this file would be selected. (a little bit like cmd-tab on macosx or alt tab on windows). 

So usage would be the same as today if keys are released (but a little bit different if ctrl is not released)...


Include an async library like gevent or eventlet for better plugin threading.

Adam vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Ivan Castellanos vor 12 Jahren 2
Making performant plugins is quite difficult right now due to complex thread management. Gevent would allow for libevent backed io in plugins and use of lightweight green threads.

Clicking on the Code Viewer should jump to that position in the code.

jordanj77 vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
When I click somewhere in the code viewer, it jumps well past where I clicked. (OS X)

API: Ability to change window layout

David Baumgold vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 2
I wanted to implement a plugin to get a split-screen view into the current file I was editing, and discovered that there is no way to change the window layout of the current window. Can you add this to the API? And ideally, implement a plugin with a TextCommand equivalent of File -> New View Into File, but splitting either vertically or horizontally so that both views are visible?

Use sheets for open/save dialogs on OS X

-9729 vor 12 Jahren 0
Just fell in love with Sublime, but what makes it feel awkward to me, is that it uses nineties style open/save modal dialogs instead of sheets. When you provide this feature, I'll immediately buy it.