Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Syntax for New Files

Indy 13 років тому оновлено Oktay Acikalin 13 років тому 1
Whenever a new file is opened, it should use the syntax of the last opened file.

The reason is that mostly one is working with a particular language. And in that case, creating a new file is usually for that language.

EXTJS & Coldfusion Support

spark010 13 років тому оновлено atomi 12 років тому 4
Firstly can I just say what a superb editor Sublime is! Very impressive indeed. :D

Q: Are there any plans to support EXT JS 3/4 and CFML(Coldfusion)?

Add Ruby IRB console option for Ctrl+~

cz 13 років тому оновлено Tom Scott 12 років тому 3
Let user optionally choose to use Ruby instead of Python for the ctrl+~ console.

Include c/c++ compiler (or configuration)

David Roman 12 років тому в Plugin announcements 0

A c/c++ compiler or pre-configured settings for real projects would be very awesome for a lot of developers! :D

Except if someone know how to configure ST2 for real big projects with a lot of references files. :)


Code tidier/reindenter like ctrl+K,D does in visual studio

Chris Hulbert 13 років тому оновлено Richard Hurt 13 років тому 3
A shortcut to re-indent your code intelligently like ctrl+K,D does in Visual Studio, and Eclipse does.

Have the Sublime Text 2 icon sport a 2 somewhere

asmodai 13 років тому оновлено ybakos 13 років тому 1
Having both ST 1.4 and ST2 alpha pinned on my taskbar in Windows 7 is not helped by the fact that the icon for ST2 is indistinguishable from ST1. Some hint in the icon that it's 2 would help those of us who run them side-by-side.

Add Linux Menu Entries

Kevin Menard 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 0
It'd be great if Sublime Text 2 had a way of adding itself to the desktop menu entries list on Linux systems.  The JetBrains tools do this, for example, and it makes it a lot easier to launch the app.

Paste (super+v) should duplicate text if selection = pasted text

aristidesfl 13 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 4

When you paste some text on top of a different piece of text, the selection gets replaced by the pasted text, and this is useful.

If the pasted text is equal to the selected text, nothing happens, thus not useful. 
What I purpose is to smarten up this behavior by evoking the duplicate command (super+shift+d) when the selected text is equal to the pasted text. 

This would allow for people to use Copy+Paste instead of having to learn a new shortcut (super+shift+d).

This ability would extend also to duplicate line should this related feature  get implemented along.

Ctrl+1..9 Tab navigation

Sergey Prymak 12 років тому оновлено Iulius Curt 11 років тому 1
Please make it possible to open first opened tabs by Ctrl+{tab number} shortcut.

A new search/replace dialog, the current one is unusable

Zic 13 років тому 0
I am constantly trying to use Sublime, but I always fail when I want to do a simple search and replace. I end up opening TextMate and copy all the text and do the search/replace then copy back the result.