Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Show and map the colors used in the current file.

DJ Pannella 12 years ago updated by Jeff Pannone 12 years ago 1

Create a panel or window that shows and maps the colors used in the current file, especially CSS files. Attached is a screen grab from TopStyle 4.

Image 213


Highlight the colon as operator with Ruby 1.9-style hashes

Lance Ivy 12 years ago updated 11 years ago 2

When both keys and values are symbols, the colors all run together. A simple fix would be to not consume the colon in the regular expression. I was able to accomplish this by changing "(:)(?!:)" to "(?=:)(?!::)", as in:


















Alt+backspace on a word should not delete whitespace

Alexander S. 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
Consider the following text, where | indicates caret:
{"foo": bar|}
Now if I hit alt+backspace to delete the word "bar", I get:
That's not good. It means I have to enter the space again. It doesn't really make sense for any kind of use case, I think. There are all sorts of situations (eg., arithmetic expressions like foo + bar + baz) where you'd like to position the caret at the end of a word and delete the word to replace it with something else.

I could use super+D to expand the selection + delete, but that works only if the caret is on a word, not something more complex like a quoted string.

How to make acute accent over a character? Is it supported?

Al Seykela 13 years ago updated by FichteFoll 13 years ago 1

This type of accent does not work for me: á ó ń (letter and accent are two separate symbols).

However, there's a topic called Tab titles do not support accented letters and it seems it should work in the document itself.


Identify files that have been modified since opened, even after a save.

Brian Gottier 13 years ago updated by Max Wagner 13 years ago 1
I constantly have files open for reference, along with the files I am actually working on, but I have no easy way to identify which files have actually been changed at the end of a working session. It would be great if there was a visible undo/redo icons, or if there could be a colored dot on the tab, or anything... please!

An icon toolbar wouldn't be a bad idea. Lots of frequently used things could be put there.

No output panel when exec called from input panel

Falcon NL 14 years ago updated by Alexander S. 14 years ago 1
In ST1 I had a keyboard shortcut when working with Haskell that brought up the input panel, evaluated the expression in GHC with the exec command and showed the result in the output panel. In ST2, it doesn't show the output panel anymore, though the exec command is still called, as can be seen from the console messages.

Forum topic:

Alternative payment methods

Adrian SANDU 11 years ago 0
Hi guys,

Is it that difficult to add new payment options? I don't want to create a Paypal account. There are already so many alternatives that is a shame to be locked to one option people are starting to stay away of.

Is there no alternative for an Australian company to accept credit cards online? What about Google Wallet? Or even good old wire transfer. You give us your account, we transfer the money, send you the confirmation and get the licence. Job done, everyone is happy.

Home and End Key handling

Hogan Long 12 years ago 0

One of the best editor UI features of Brief (I'll not say more, those who know, know), was how the Home and End key were handled. 

  • On first press they went to the end or start of the current line.
  • On 2nd press they went to the bottom or top of the current viewport (what you can see on the screen)
  • On the 3rd press they went to the end or start of the file.

The ease of using this interface can not be glorified enough.  It is amazing.  Considering your editor's clear aim is to be glorious in every way, I highly recommend you implement this unappreciated (but unequaled) feature.


You could even generalize it to allow function binding to n-tery presses of a given control key in the plugins.  But that matters less to me than this specific functionality. 


Vintage - open files in command mode

Christopher Bottaro 13 years ago updated by Fredrik Ehnbom 13 years ago 1
When I open a file in Vintage mode, I'm automatically put in insert mode.  This is not consistent with vim which starts you in command mode when opening a file.

Maybe it would be nice to have this as a configurable option in ST2?