Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


String Functions

hamed narimani 13 років тому в Plugin announcements 0

 You can add make a plugin for string functions.for example lenght calculate, substr , md5 ,  ...


restart dialog when new plugin is installed

Eliecer Daza 12 років тому в Plugin announcements 0

When some plugins are installed and need Sublime Text restart no dialog or menu exist


give info on what's going on in the status bar

Daniele Conti 12 років тому 0

for example, plugin installing, plugins infos and such


Edit Multiselection Mode

Cédric Néhémie 12 років тому 0

It would be nice to have a special mode for multi-selection that allow to tab between each selection and edit their content individually. The mode could be toggled with a key shortcuts, allowing for sequence such as:
1. I create a bunch of multi selection cursors in the beginning of several lines.

2. I write down some basic affectation such 'var a = 0;'

3. Always in multi selection, I come back to select the 'a' in the previous exemple.

4. I toggle the edit selection mode and I tab over all the 'a' to write a different variable name for each (at that time the individual selection I edit expand itself according to the new content).

5. I toggle back to the normal multiselection mode, which now have all the var name in the selection.

6. I could then repeat the operation with the variable value this time and define for each a different value, without losing my multi selection.



undo history - like are browser

Toby Evans 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
An undo history list - like a browser - could be neat.
So you can jump back 10 history steps easily for example.
Not sure how you'd label each step though...

vintage mode, "." command repeating

-ML- 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
after changing a word with "cw" (change word) the command-repeater "." only repeats the last character instead of changing the next word. Same is for "ct" (change to). Is this possible to fix with the vintage implementation?

Peter K 12 років тому 0


Make All features optional!!! :D

Joe DF 12 років тому 0

For example, some don't like autocomplete tips, tabs in titlebar, and others do..
But if its optional, anybody can choose what they want! :D
It would satisfy everybody! Adding profiles, saving these optionss. :)
This will be very interesting!


contextual API help

Martin Mitáš 12 років тому оновлено Chris Broumley 12 років тому 1

Most API documentation today is available on the net. It would be cool to support web search for this. For example consider this use case:

Step 1) In some config file, user can define new seach pattern, e.g. "" and assign it some hot-key (e.g. <alt>+<f1>)

Step 2) Select some text in a source code (e.g. CreateWindow)

Step 3) Activate the search by hot key.

Step 4) SublimeText would open a browser with the URL defined by the pattern and the currently selected text.


Select text typed since last operation

Brian Vito 14 років тому 0
A command that selects the text just typed in (since the last mouse click or command) like ESC in Smalltalk-80, sam or acme or pressing both LEAP keys together on the SwyftCard or Canon Cat.