Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


High light the modificative code

Liming Zou 12 лет назад 0
can you support highlight the  modificative code diffent with last commit version in subversion,if so ,i can find my modificative area directly.Netbean has this feature now,i hope use it in Sublime too.Thanks

I think the App Icon Should be a Lime

Austin Condiff 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 1
Sublime, lime, get it...haha.

In the Goto Anything bar, leave the previous search, but selected, so you can amend your previous search, but also start a brand-new search.

tALSit de CoD 13 лет назад обновлен Spencer Creasey 13 лет назад 1
In the Goto Anything bar, leave the previous search, but selected, so you can amend your previous search, but also start a brand-new search.

Code preview in tab

Mandor 11 лет назад обновлен jan otte 11 лет назад 6

Something like Coda, which could put a preview of our code in the tab.

Not what could look a webpage, just a preview of the whole code. It makes the user experience better.


Crown Environmental Capital Management Articles - Households to claim green energy grants

Jaella Israel 11 лет назад в Plugin announcements 0

Households to claim green energy grants

South Ayrshire householders could claim up to £1200 to install green energy upgrades to their homes.

The Green Homes Cash back scheme, managed by the EnergySaving Trust, means each South Ayrshire household could be eligible for the funding towards installing a new boiler, insulation or other energy efficiency measures.

Energy Saving Trust figures show 31 per cent of Scots householders have an interest in installing double glazing, 37 per cent are interested in fitting insulation to their home and 22 per cent would consider investing in a new energy efficient boiler.

Mike Thornton, Director, Energy Saving Trust in Scotland, said: “The Green Homes Cash back scheme gives grants to South Ayrshire householders who invest to make their home – and Scotland – a greener place to live. The scheme is also open to people who rent property, as long as they have their landlord’s permission.

“And anyone who submits a claim through the scheme before 31 December 2013 will also receive up to £150 towards the cost of the assessment through which applicable measures are recommended, making this a great time to put in insulation or upgrade your heating system.”

The Scottish Government’s Green Homes  Cash back scheme lets householders claim: up to £500 for insulation measures including loft, cavity or solid wall; up to £400 to replace an old boiler and up to £300 for other measures (such as glazing, LED lighting and heating controls).

Mr. Thornton added: “A great example of how this money could be used is loft insulation – the £500 cash back could pay for the entire cost of fitting the insulation to an average three-bed semi, which can save householders up to £180 a year on their heating bills.

“They say you don’t get something for nothing, but the cash back scheme really is money in the bank for those installing energy efficiency measures.”

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: “It is our belief that everyone in Scotland should live in a warm and safe home that doesn’t cost the earth to heat. Rising energy bills are a huge concern for this government, and fuel poverty is an absolute scandal in an energy rich country like Scotland. I would urge anyone who would like to reduce their energy bills to contact Home Energy Scotland hotline from the Scottish Government on 0808 808 2282 or visit as soon as possible to find out more.

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trigger right click from keyboard

random_person 13 лет назад 0
is it possible, or would it be possible to add, the ability to trigger a right click (command click) from the keyboard? i hate using a mouse so to be able to select some text and then from the keyboard trigger a command click would be fantastically useful. (a feature from TM)


Customization in separate settings folder

Dan Palmer 13 лет назад 0
The user settings files are very useful, however, copying them over to a new system is slightly more difficult than it could be because settings files, themes, packages and many items included by default with the application are in folders together.

I suggest having a plugins/themes/settings folder with the application files that only includes what comes with the application as standard, then putting all of the user customisable items into a support folder. This could follow the tradition of being "~/.sublimedata" like programs such as Vim, Git, Subversion and many others.

This means that the program itself, and all the user customization can be managed completely separately and the user can more easily bring in all of their settings and additions they have made to the program.

Note, this idea is an expansion on but it is for a different purpose and different enough to warrant its own post.

portal.log of tomcat isn't read correctly

Felice Tartaro 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
when i open a portal.log of tomcat\liferay instances i read a series of hex number and not the correct content of file

"Tabbing" through typedefs driving me crazy.

Alexander von Gluck 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 1
say i'm in a class..
class awesome : public awesomer {
              int                 function()
If I type "int<tab>" it starts cycling through int types... this drives me *crazy* because Sublime Text 2 won't let me put tab characters after data types.

ant long-tag, short-tag snippets dont trigger on tab

atomi 14 лет назад обновлен 14 лет назад 1
long tag has:

but it doesn't trigger nor the short tag

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