Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


When cycling through tabs, focus shouldn't leave the group.

Joe Freeman 11 лет назад 0

Browserbased Port - Prehaps using firepad.

Liam Mitchell 11 лет назад 0

Hey Sublime,

I love this editor and so does every other coder/designer I know. I am curious if you have considered a web-browser port, prehaps using firepad?  I was thinking of creating a node.js browser bassed development platform and the editing features of sublime just cant be bet. Of course there would have to be a site lisence or something.


Custom shortcut interferes with system shortcut in save dialog on Mac OS X

Ionuț G. Stan 12 лет назад 0

I have assigned custom shortcuts to the swap_line_up/down commands. The shortcuts are alt+up_arrow and alt+down_arrow. These shortcuts are also used by Mac OS X to navigate to the beginning, respectively to the end of a list of files in Finder or in Open or Save dialogs.

The problem appears when I try to "Save As..." a file or project and in the opened dialog I try to use the system's shortcut. Sublime seems to intercept the keystrokes and doesn't let them bubble to the OS although the editor doesn't have the focus anymore.


Improper php indenting near anonymous function

Dave Lighthart 12 лет назад 0

The following block indents improperly.  The problem appears related to the length of the anonymous function in the array.  If some of the chain selectors are combined, the indent works as expected.


namespace \App\AppBundle\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;

class ServiceType extends AbstractType


    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder,array $options)


        if ($sc->isGranted("ROLE_ADMIN")){

        } else {




                    'empty_value'         => ''

                    ,'label'               => 'Procedure'

                    ,'label_attr'          => array('class' => 'txtl')

                    ,'attr'                => array('class' => 'select0')

                    ,'query_builder'       => function ($repository) use ($formusorid){

                        $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('p');

                        $qb->innerJoin('p.role', 'r')

                        ->innerJoin('r.usor','u','WITH',$qb->expr()->eq('', ':usorid'))

                        ->leftJoin('AppAppBundle:Service','s','WITH',$qb->expr()->eq('s.procedure', ''))

                        ->setParameter('usorid', $formusorid)->select('p, COUNT(s) AS HIDDEN total')


                        ->addOrderBy('total' ,'DESC')->addOrderBy('p.code');

                        return $qb;



if ($sc->isGranted("ROLE_ADMIN") or $otherview){


public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)



        'data_class' => '\App\AppBundle\Entity\Service'



public function getName()


    return '_App_Appbundle_Servicetype';




Include X recently opened files in "Goto Anything"

Chris Sullins 11 лет назад 0

Instead of having to go through menus to get to "File > Open Recent", include the most recent (~20?) files in "Goto Anything". It currently seems to only include open files and files in project.


ALT+Mouse down for select columns

ppp ddd 13 лет назад 0
Please, add feature: alt+mousedown for selection columns(like notepad++) and do not go to the end of next line, if it shorter then started line of selection (like alt+ctrl+up).

autocomplete Framework & CMS based [Project basis] | may be as plugin

Md Rashidul Islam 12 лет назад 0

For example when I work with Ruby on Rails or Laravel PHP framework or Joomla CMS or WP, they have many methods, classes, functions..It would be great to have the auto-complete option. For example i type the class name Base:: then it should display a lists of the variables and methods of that class.

Kindly Refer to:


I need it bad. Then it would have no issues remain to be the most awesome editor. Though already most awesome but I really miss this feature. When works with Eclipse or Dreamweaver, they provide nice elegant auto-complete feature

I don't know it may be difficult. Then may be developed as plugin. I'm sorry, If i can, then  i would have develop. But i don't know Python


Unable to property open file at line on OSX

JulesRobichaudGagnon 11 лет назад обновлен 11 лет назад 1

On Mac OSX the syntax "<filepath>:<line>" does not work property. 


1. "open -a /Applications/Sublime\ <filepath>:<line>" Does not work claims that the file does not exist

2.  "open -a /Applications/Sublime\ filepath --args :<line>" It just ignores the  ":<line>"

3. "/Applications/Sublime\\ Text <filepath>:<line>" Opens a new application instance.

I recommend another complementary syntax such as "-l <line>" or "--line <line>". The same goes for column.


Searching for ucastnik should highlight účastník

Marek Andreánsky 12 лет назад обновлен Sven Axelsson 12 лет назад 1

Searching for ucastnik should highlight účastník - in other words when case sentisitivity is disable in search it should also take special Czech and Slovak characters as case insensitive.

č = c, ď = d, ô = o and so on.


10 tips to make sure Obamacare works for you

chloe conway 11 лет назад 0

What do members need to know about these plans that they probably don't?

1. Carry your membership card everywhere.
Make copies. It'll save huge amounts of hassle if you have an unexpected doctor or hospital visit.

2. Understand your plan's doctor and hospital network.
Insurance companies negotiate participation and payment rates with a network of providers to control costs.

"A lot of these exchange plans, in order to stay affordable, have much smaller networks than people are used to," saysNancy Metcalf, a senior editor for Consumer Reports. For many new members, "just because their friend has a plan and can go to a particular hospital doesn't mean that they necessarily can."
You can check a plan's directory - either online or often part of the documents you receive when you enroll - to find out if specific physicians are part of your network. You can call doctors' offices to confirm, too.

3. Stay in the network.
The health law says that, once you join a qualified plan, you won't pay more out of pocket per year than $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But this applies only to in-network care. Whether you're in an HMO that pays almost no out-of-network benefits or a PPO that covers some, the pocketbook protections don't apply if you use a non-network doc or hospital.
Non-network providers also frequently bill you far more than what they charge patients in their networks for the same procedure.

4. Try to stay in-network even if it's for emergency care.
Insurance plans do have to pay for non-network emergency visits under the health law. If you're in a car crash far from home, you can't be picky about which hospital saves your life.
But non-network hospitals often "balance-bill" the difference between what your plan pays and what they charge, which is often much more.

5. Avoid all emergency rooms unless it's really an emergency.
Traditionally, health plans came with a modest copayment for an emergency visit - maybe $150.
But many policies sold under the health law, even those in the more expensive "gold" category, not only have ER copays of several hundred dollars but also subject ER charges to the overall deductible. (Copays are flat fees for specific services. Deductibles are what you pay out of pocket before the insurance kicks in.)
That means you could be billed for the full cost of an emergency visit - up to the out-of-pocket limit.
"This is a huge difference and will really hurt the unsuspecting person," says John Jaggi, an Illinois insurance broker. "We're putting a lot more people into that exposure here."
Broken leg? Head to the hospital. Sprained ankle? Maybe wait until the urgent care center or doctor's office opens.

6. Pay monthly premiums on time and accurately.
"Do not mess around. Pay your premium," admonishes Karen Pollitz, a consumer specialist at theKaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is an editorially independent project of the foundation.) "Otherwise that will be the end of you and you won't get to sign up again until the next open season."
(Open enrollment for 2014 coverage ends March 31. Open enrollment for 2015 begins Nov. 15.)
Even underpaying the premium by a few cents could give the insurance company grounds to kick you off, she said. Insurers allow a brief grace period if you get behind - somewhat longer if you're receiving premium subsidies - but they will terminate coverage for nonpayment.

7. Register online with your new insurance company.
Insurance sites are good for tracking claims. Increasingly they also let you shop around for the best deals on non-emergency treatment.
"Your health plan might pay one imaging center half what it pays another imaging center," Metcalf said. "That's really important if you've got a big deductible."

8. Save paperwork. Make sure you really owe what doctors and hospitals bill you for.
"Now is a good time to become a pack rat," says Pollitz. "If you've got any concern, it really is worth it to make a call and get them to explain what they did."

9. If you don't get satisfaction from providers or insurers, try regulators.
Check the insurer's explanation of benefits detailing your claims. It may show a phone number for a consumer assistance program in your state to help deal with medical coverage.
This list has contact information for state insurance departments and other regulators.

10. Do read the plan's summary of benefits and coverage.
"Get it and print it out, because that has the details of your plan," says Metcalf. "What do you have to pay in order to go to a primary care doctor? Is it before or after the deductible? How big is your deductible? How much does it cost to go to the emergency room?"
It's not like reading John Grisham. But the subjects - your health and your money - are really important.

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