Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Concept idea: Connect HTML tags into my CSS file

Adam Opalecký 6 лет назад 0

Basically what I want is that when you have your HTML file with <link> tag connected to your CSS I want to see the tags that have not been declared in the css but are in HTML.

for example:
<img class="whateverClassYouCanImagine" src="myLinkIsHere.png">


and when I type this into css:

I would like to see list of all img tags that have a class but have not been set any attributes in css.


Rich Text Format support

Wade 6 лет назад в Plugin announcements 0

Simply described request.
Support for rich text, much like the included "text edit" application on MacOS.



HTML shortcut fotmatting

Adam Opalecký 6 лет назад 0

ctrl + b sets selected text inside <b></b> tags

fot example:

I've got - 

bold text -> (click ctrl+b) -> <b>bold text</b>

And the same for:

ctrl + i (<i></i> - italic)

ctrl + u (<u></u> - underlined)

ctrl + shift + a (not common -> <a href=""></a> - hyperlink) 

I am using these a lot and it is obnoxious to have to write this manually all the time.


ctrl + shit + p (<p></p> - paragraph)

ctrl + shift + d (<div></div> - just div)

ctrl + shift + (1-5) (<h1-h5></h1-/h5>)


Make javascript fold in expected ways

Eric_B 6 лет назад 0

Because basic JS is not indent based the code folding shouldn't be assuming that your code is perfectly indented and it shouldn't break the code folding when it's not perfectly indented. I also think comments shouldn't break code folding. In my case I wasn't to clean up the code, but I cannot fold the functions and rely on it working properly.


Streamline exclude file filter pattern

BoskyO 6 лет назад 0

I have a long list of exclusion types in my 'Where:" entry as in "-*.E, -*.S,-*.elf,-*.nm". 

It would be much more compact to have a pattern "-*.[E,S,elf,nm] that applies the -*. to all extensions in the list inside square brackets.



Katie Swift 6 лет назад 0




Virginia Trioli discusses the strong performance of the markets this week with economics correspondent Stephen Long.

  • VIRGINIA TRIOLI: Another day, another record high on the stockmarket. Australia’s key share index gained more than 5 per cent this week, it’s now up more than 1,000 points since the height of the credit crunch in mid August, and it’s a similar story in the US.

    To discuss this, I’m joined by economics correspondent Stephen Long.

    Stephen, what is going on with this market? Last week weren’t we talking about a possibility of a recession in the US?

    STEPHEN LONG: Yes, and then Ben Bernanke came along and cut rates by half a per cent. And now, bad news is good news, Virginia, because it means there’ll be further rate cuts. So when there were weak housing figures in the US, had the biggest slump in new home starts in many years, the markets rallied. More rates cuts on the way. Good news is good news because it means the economy is good, but bad news is good news because it means more rates cuts. The markets are happy. Rally, rally, rally. But if you thing about it logically, if the Fed is happy to cut rates in the US because of a weakening economy, then it stands to reason that will hit corporate profits at some stage, perhaps tonight. That’s got to dawn on investors. So I’m not sure how long it can go on.

    VIRGINIA TRIOLI: What’s driving the local market here? What’s driving that in particular?

    STEPHEN LONG: The commodities boom. We’re seeing soaring prices for metals, for oil. And that is partly because of the Fed rate cuts and what they’ve done to the US dollar. The US dollar has fallen precipitously in value and that’s pushed up commodities worldwide. As a consequence, you’re seeing Australia rally, the big mining companies, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto at record or near-record highs, big national income coming in. So that’s why we’ve got our rally. It’s perhaps more rational to some extent than the US rally, but there’s also just this big bubble of money around the world so it’s got to go somewhere.

    Emerging markets have rallied even more strongly than here and Asian stocks are booming as well. You know, there’s just so much money sloshing around the globe. If people get some confidence back, where does it go? It’s not going to go into housing anymore after the mortgage meltdown in the US. Is equities the next bubble?

    VIRGINIA TRIOLI: But apart from the heat in the market, the Reserve Bank is quite positive about prospects here, isn’t it?

    STEPHEN LONG: Very much so. I mean, there were two reports or there was a report and a speech by the Reserve Bank this week and they’re the anti Hanrahans. They’re saying we won’t all be ruined. But there were frightening statistics nonetheless in one of the speeches by the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank, Ric Battellino. He observed in passing that the credit growth we’ve seen in the past three decades has no precedent in 150 years of figures, and the only time that the growth in credit has come close was in 1880 and 1920. Now those who know their history know that in 1890 Australia had the worst crash it’s ever experienced. In the 1930s after that big credit run up in the ’20s, well we know what happened there, so I’m not entirely reassured, but let’s hope they’re right and we won’t all be ruined.

    VIRGINIA TRIOLI: That’s right and we’re not just looking at another bubble. Thank you, Stephen.

    STEPHEN LONG: You’re welcome.


I need to drop several tables and need to add a SEMICOLON in each line. How can I do that in sublime?

Racg1 6 лет назад 0

Islington Associates: Travel Facts for Zurich Travelers

Ned Bigby 6 лет назад 0

There are plenty of reasons why travelers have to visit Switzerland. For adventure seekers, it should be one of the countries in your travel bucket list.


Get to experience astonishing and breathtaking views. Get to taste a great selection of cheese and indulge your sweet tooth with some Swiss chocolate products. Don’t forget to see the Alps up close. You don’t have to hesitate. You can start packing your bags and take that excitement to Zurich.


Take a trip to a happy land

Switzerland is one of the best places in the world to live and be happy. This is according to the consistently high rankings in global reports as the world’s happiest country in 2015. It went down to the second rank after Denmark in 2016. The Mercer’s Quality of Living Report ranked the capital Zurich as the second-best city to live in 2016.


Coffee in Zurich may be one of the most expensive in the world as it cost about 4 US dollars. However, even if the coffee is costly, it will surely be an experience for your taste buds. The instant coffee of the famous Nestlé Company began in the country. The Swiss businessman Henri Nestlé created Nescafe in 1938.


Travelers who also love to go on hiking should be delighted include the mountains in the country. The highest mountain is the Monte Rosa (Dufoursptiz) at 4,634 meters which is located at the Swiss/Italian border. There are 208 mountains that can be climbed by hikers. Some are over 3,000 meters high but 24 of them are over 4,000 meters. The country is an ideal country for those who like to do high-intensity training.


Good weather, good people

The climate in Switzerland is usually cold and snowy, especially during the winter time. Most high-altitude places generally have freezing temperatures with large snowfalls. The Alps acts as a climate barrier.


The northern part of the country tends to get colder due to the Atlantic winds, while the southern part has a milder climate from the Mediterranean winds. Tourists can enjoy the cold weather and select from many Swiss ski resorts. Summer is also another season that is being enjoyed in the country. During the hot summer, the temperature can reach high from 30 to 35 degrees Celsius in some areas.


Switzerland is one of the nations with the lowest crime rates even if they have liberal Swiss gun laws. In 2015, around 40 per year murders per 100,000 people in the country have been recorded. It is generally lower compared to the gun murders recorded in the United States. There are many positive reviews in the country which makes it an ideal place to visit.


Add "Search Again" feature to Find in Files pane (Build 3175 - Mac)

Alireza Kamran 6 лет назад 0

Currently, when I use "Find in Files..." a new tab opens with a list of results. I sometimes use this feature two or more time for different search terms but I don't have a way of re-performing the same search for a specific tab. Also, the search term is not visible anywhere in the pane (tab).

Both of these additions will be very helpful.


When using a layout with more than 1 column, and I want to close an empty column, SublimeText should infer which column should be closed based on its emptiness.

John Forbes 7 лет назад 0

When I have many tabs open it can become irritating to have to manually shift tabs one at a time after adjusting the layout.

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