Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Use open folder as root if only one folder is added to the sidebar

Martin Heidegger 11 лет назад 0

The build system does currently use the folder of the selected file to execute a build if no project is opened. However: I often drop a single folder temporarily in the sidebar to work with sublime text. It would make my workflow easier if sublime text could treat a single folder in the sidebar as the root folder for builds.


Mysterious character clipping in certain scopes

sbroadhead 14 лет назад 0
I believe I've encountered a bug with text rendering whose circumstances aren't exactly clear to me, but I think it has something to do with the theme scope's background colour. For certain words, there is some clipping of the leftmost pixel column or so of the character. It isn't so noticeable with anti-aliasing on, but with a very small bitmap font it can completely eliminate a good part of the letter.

Here's how I can reproduce it on two computers: first set your font to be small and non-antialiased for best effect. Then set the color scheme to Twilight. Open a blank file and set the syntax mode to 'Literate Haskell' and type


If it worked, the left part of the A's should be cut off.

The bug only occurs, as far as I can tell, on color schemes where embedded code has a different background color than the rest of the document (it doesn't happen on Monokai for instance), and it doesn't happen in the Twilight theme if you select regular Haskell instead of Literate Haskell.

Here is a screenshot from Mac OS X:

draw_centered & column_size on auto should be more intelligent!

Afflicto 12 лет назад 0

I have draw_centered is set to true and column_size to auto.

Currently, it widens the "view" when a file contains ONE line that is very long, DESPITE the fact that I'm not able to see that line in the current "scroll-height" position.

It should re-size whenever needed. That way, when you aren't on a long line (or when the long line isn't visible) you would have a nicely centered view!

Awesome? - I think so!


Komodo/Notepadd++ style Find results option

caffed 13 лет назад 0
When I search in a file/files there would be a results count and each line listed that links to the line in that file. Double clicking anywhere on the result line takes you to that line in the file and the term is  highlighted in that result line.
The results output to console window at the bottom of the editor.

Komodo and Notepad++ do this really well. 

Currently (2139) it opens in a file tab and you have to click on the term itself.


When browsing through the search history, it would be nice to have a list of previous searches visible somehow

Wim Vander Schelden 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0

About Westhill Consulting: Property

Coleen Smith 11 лет назад 0
West Hill property consultants is a well-established estate agency specialising in the sale and letting of homes in North and North West London. Situated on the edge of Hampstead Heath, it is convenient for both sellers and buyers alike.
With over 30 years of wide-ranging experience, the company is well equipped to offer you the best possible advice in all property matters from buying your first home to letting an investment.

We are well known for our comprehensive marketing strategy specifically designed to suit each property, using tailor-made combinations of local advertising and the most effective web and editorial coverage.

Our experienced and dedicated staff will guide you carefully through every aspect of the sales and letting processes. We know that straightforward communication with our clients is the best way of alleviating possible concerns often associated with property transactions.

We are proud to be able to say that the majority of our business is built on personal recommendation.
To discuss your property requirements please call us on 020 8341 5332 or visit our office at 4 Highgate West Hill, Highgate, N6 6JS.


Jens Tegelaers 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
I just discovered the vintage mode. It made me buy a license instantly. GREAT!
Advertise it!

Supply "Open in Finder/Reveal" in context-menu when right-click on folders

fattyboy 11 лет назад 0

In Sublime Text 3 , "Reveal in Finder" only on files (not support Folders)

in SublimeText 2, I could do this on folders, but not in SublimeText 3.

I hope it could came back 



Page Up/Page Down functionality broken after Home/End press

Ted Pearson 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 1
Page Up/Page Down seem to have completely separate handling from the Home/End keys. When I use Page Up/Down to scroll to the middle of the page, then hit Home/End, then try to use Page Up/Down again, the page jumps to one page above/below the previous Page Up/Down location. Expected and desired behavior would be for it to just move one page from the current location, not from the last remembered Page Up/Down location.

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