Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


How about syntax coloring for the COBOL language?

Uwe Baemayr 12 years ago updated by Stephen Gennard 11 years ago 6
Believe it or not, COBOL is still used quite a bit in the real world -- how about adding syntax coloring for COBOL?

Autocompletion list should allow the cursor to move in a circular fashion

Rui Rei 11 years ago 0

When a list of possible completions shows up, it should be possible to browse it circularly using the arrow keys. That is, if the cursor is at the top of the list and I press up, it should move to the bottom of the list. Likewise, if it's at the bottom and I press down, it should move to the top of the list.


Phoenix theme request

larry byrd 11 years ago 0

Add the ability to save the edited search

Orban Botond 11 years ago 0

I will give you and example.

I want to refactor Address to Addressable.

If I search for 'Address' in multiple files, then I multiple select the result and modify it to 'Addressable'. Now I want to save the result. But I want to save every chunk in its original file.


Live Highlighting

Nikola Jankovic 9 years ago 0

The one thing preventing me from fully adopting Sublime text is the lack of live highlighting and live preview.

In brackets, when you select a selector/element it highlights it in the live preview browser window which is incredibly helpful. I understand that sublime isn't necessarily intended for web dev but this extension would really help fill the blanks.


Sublime Text for Chrome OS

Chintan 11 years ago 0
Is it possible that Sublime Text would be available in Chrome OS in future?

Downloading a new version fails when a browser isn't installed

Aaron Friel 11 years ago 0

I run Sublime Text 3 on a workstation that is very trimmed down, and I realize this is a strange request, but the method of updating to a new version appears to currently require a web browser to be installed.

This is the result of clicking the download button:


Image 236

I think the download button should probably just do a wget (or similar) of the new version and then run dpkg on it, not present the user with a web page.

For reference, please see the efficacy of the "versionless" update system instituted in Chrome. Having silent, invisible updates ensures a much greater share of your users are running the latest version, and I think that would be an ideal feature to target for Sublime Text 3.


Smarter trim_trailing_white_space_on_save

Will Schmid 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 1

TTWSOS (trim_trailing_white_space_on_save) is awesome most of the time, but often makes me look like an ass in version control.  Committing a one-line change often turns into a massive commit with tons of code insertions and deletions.

It would be great to have more control over this feature...  

For example, I don't want to TTWSOS "dirty" files that have existing trailing whitespace.  I just want to maintain TTWSOSification in already "clean" TTWSOSified files.

Of course it would be nice to be able to force a TTWSOSification on a dirty file.

This would keep commits nice and clean and would resolve my love/hate relationship with this feature!


unmovable curson for x64

Alex Kapustin 12 years ago 0

Eatly I had x86 architecture system. Sublime Text 2 wrked stable and properly.

But I reinstall system to AMD64 architecture system. When I press <ctrl> + <ins> or <ctrl> + <c> I get don't moved cursor, and many actions is disabled in menu. 

Linux shurik 3.4.5-calculate #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 19 13:59:36 UTC 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

SHELL: gentoo xfce 4.10

What do I should do ?


Shortcut for find multiple files

Steve Chiu 11 years ago 0

Please add a shortcut for find files under current and sub folders, this is based on the current edit window. So if you switch to other window in different folder, the shortcut will be updated.

Also it will be great if there is auto-completion for file-path in several option fields or dialog, such as the "Where" field in "Find in Files..."