Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Syntax for line numbers on the command line

Christoph Ruegge 13 year бұрын 0
The syntax `subl somefile.txt:100' to open Sublime on line 100 introduces a problem: I have a bunch of files with timestamps in their names (like `filename-19:35:12'). As far as I see, it is not possible to open these files from the command line. It would be nice if the syntax could either be changed (by e.g. including a space between filename and line number) or if there was an option to turn off jumping to a line.

Delayed loading of plugins

Jonathan Abramson 12 year бұрын 0

Some plugins take more time to load than others. For example the open_in_browser plugin takes ~50x more time to load than most of other plugins. Some plugins need to be ready as soon as the app is loaded and for others sublime can live without them for a few more milliseconds. I think you should add a pre-ui and post-ui loading lists to allow faster-snappier loading of the application. 


ST3: wrap_lines works poorly with auto_wrap

David James 11 year бұрын 0

In Sublime Text 3, the `wrap_lines` command (alt+super+q on my mac) does not work well when `auto_wrap` is true. Specifically, it is willing to make a line one character too long.


Find in files - reset to all open folders

Lincoln Stoll 13 year бұрын updated by Simon Rentzke 13 year бұрын 1

When I first use find in files, the In Location is set to open folders - however once I change this to a specific folder, I can't work out how to set this back to <all open folders>.


OS X Help > Search menu doesn't work

Paul Straw 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 1
When using the Help > Search menu (, almost all results are grayed out ( The same thing doesn't happen when manually clicking to a menu item (

Erlang snippets should comply to standard and be compilable

djui 13 year бұрын 0
Currently many Erlang snippets have non standard directives declared. Precisely:

-module (...)



So all snippets (~10) should have their space removed. Some of them won't even compile with the space included.

HTTPS Forum Login

Faraz Yashar 12 year бұрын 0

I'm not too fond of my passwords floating nakedly in HTTP headers... Employing SSL on the log in page and user account settings page would be much appreciated.

I'm personally less concerned with session hijacking, but that can be fixed by securing the entire forum if deemed necessary.


are all the docs out of date or is the default config wrong?

Greg Milby 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 2

re: tabSize =

in my config it says tab_size - but in docs it says tabSize... are all the docs out of date or are there different areas that are config'd differently?



Select all find results

Matthew Spence 13 year бұрын updated by Jon Skinner 13 year бұрын 0
I'ld like to be able to select all find results so that once i've found a bunch of instances of something I can start editing at all those points concurrently
Jon Skinner 13 year бұрын
The Find All button on the find panel does this

Smart comment/uncomment

Colby Goettel 12 year бұрын 0

Let's say we have the following (code is Perl):

# if ( $_ =~ /a/ )

if ( $_ =~ /b/ )




It would be nice to be able to select both 'if' statements and by pressing ctrl+/ have the commented line uncomment, and the uncommented line be commented.