Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


It would be useful if the editor also supports other languages, with the help of which work with the program easier.

Дмитрий Раконский 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 1

More and more developers prefer to work in "Sublaym Text" and now she's one of the best source code editor. I'm from Russia, and also use the editor, but for me it would be useful if the editor also supports other languages, with the help of which, working with the program easier. Create a form in which all interested people will be able to translate the words of the program in its own language. I can help translate into Russian.


Add context menu option to "Open all contained files"

Martin K. 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
Please add an option to the context menu to open (edit) all files contained in a folder in the sidebar.

Preferably just the files immediately in the folder in question, traversing the folder tree is not necessary IMHO. The files in subfolders could be opened using the same mechanism, again, probably not necessary by default.

Thank you!

Code navigator CSS, html, javascript [...] similar to espresso

Alexandru Rada 11 year бұрын updated by Asal Sunda Kenary 11 year бұрын 5

Would be great to have a code navigator for different programming languages.

Espresso has a very good one, different for CSS, HTML, php, javascript and more others.


Open dialog should not default to /

Ben Alpert 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
On OS X, I believe it should go to the last opened folder; not sure what the behavior is on other OSes.

Make it available on Steam as Software, via Greenlight. Would be EPIC, and increase sales dramatically.

Magnus Juhl 12 year бұрын updated by SteamFanBoy 9 year бұрын 1

Make it available on Steam as Software, via Greenlight. Would be EPIC, and increase sales dramatically.


[option] Reorder tabs according to stack

aristidesfl 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 1
For people who prefer to use the stack switching, would be nice to have tab order reflect the stack order instead.
The same goes to open files in the sidebar.

just like the application switcher in Mac Os x works

Vintage Mode - I (shift - i)

Chris Holdsworth 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 1
In vi I enters insert mode before the first non-white space character (soft beginning of line). However in vintage mode it enters insert mode in the first column (hard beginning of line).

Vintage mode should use the correct vi behaviour (soft BOL).

As an aside it would be useful if vintage-mode was on github, as bugs like this would be trivial for the community to fix.

Clicking the beginning of any of the wrapped sections of a word-wrapped line will place the cursor in an unexpected spot.

icylace 12 year бұрын 0

Clicking on or before the beginning of any of the wrapped line sections of a word-wrapped line will place the cursor on the last character of the previous line section.  Depending on the window size this could cause unwanted horizontal scrolling.  This behavior happens in ST2 (Build 2219) and ST3 (Build 3010).  I think it makes more sense if instead the cursor was placed at the beginning of the wrapped line section that was clicked on.


Ability to move a file to a non-existing group without having to create that group first

phalkunz 13 year бұрын updated by lanzz 13 year бұрын 1
For example, pressing "ctl-shif-2" should move the file to group 2 whether that group exists or not. In addition, when a group has no files (views) at all it should disappear. That way we don't have create and remove groups when needed and no longer needed. This will save a lot of time and hassle.

What you do guys think?

Automatically figure out project files from includes (LaTeX)

Σωτήρης Φραγκίσκος 13 year бұрын updated by LouisRoisin Inc 5 year бұрын 1
The sidebar is pretty nice, but it would be perfect if it could be made to display just the included TeX files and graphics of the current project. Not *all* the tex files and graphics though; just the ones called by the TeX files. This could be easily done by checking the "\include" and "\input" lines scattered in the whole project (recursively, if possible!!)