Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Find/Replace/Save Tweaks

David Caruso 11 ár síðan 0

Highlight the whole row when searching and automatically put the cursor at the beginning of the row.  Things tend to get out of whack screen-wise when searching code, and sometimes items that are found are hard to find on the screen.  Also, a "save all" button would be nice, instead of the key combination.


Blackhawk Online Games ‘Nintendo Land’ has not fulfilled the same role as ‘Wii Sports’, says Iwata

dazzperei 11 ár síðan 0

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, during an analyst briefing, discussed some of the challenges that the Wii U faces in regards to its competition with Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

He specifically talked about how people don’t seem to quite understand the role of the GamePad. “I would say that ‘Nintendo Land’ has not fulfilled the same role as ‘Wii Sports’ did when we bundled it with Wii,” he said, trying to explain why consumers haven’t accepted the GamePad in the alike way they were drawn towards the motion controllers of the previous generation.

“Of course, we won’t remain silent and do nothing,” he continued. We are going to release a variety of Wii U software, and with each title, we would like to show how convenient and delightful it is to have the Wii U GamePad controller, and how it changes the gaming experience.” Then he pointed to Pikmin 3 as a game that possibly will fulfill that role.

As for third party support, Iwata said Nintendo plans on continuing to developer quality software to sell the console, which will, in turn, draw outside developers in to develop for the platform. In order to do so, however, Nintendo must compete with the ever-growing smartphone and tablet gaming scene. Iwata knows this.

“Under these circumstances, we feel that it is important to offer games that are even more polished than before in terms of quality to have consumers buy our products, understand the value that they offer and recommend them to others by word-of-mouth,” he said. “It now requires incredibly high-quality products to satisfy consumers to the level where they feel compelled to recommend them to others; the barriers are indeed higher than before.

“We had to push back the releases of some games because it has become more difficult to satisfy the quality standards that we feel are necessary for games to satisfy before they are released. It was not because it took us more time to take advantage of what is unique about the hardware.”

Iwata repeatedly stated that there are third party developers actively making games for the Wii U.

Lastly, the Nintendo president discussed free-to-play and his company’s take on the model. “The ability to offer software in a digital format has given us greater flexibility in terms of how we offer our products to consumers and how to monetize them. However, we are not planning to offer, for example, Mario or Pokémon games in a free-to-play format.”

He is confident that Nintendo holds enough trust amongst consumers to sell more established franchise entries for full game prices, but what about new IPs? “In such circumstances, our current platforms (Nintendo 3DS and Wii U), which give us various monetization options that would not have been possible on past Nintendo platforms, enable us to make propositions in a free-to-play format,” he says.

Nintendo has so far focused on our packaged software business, but we are planning to take on the challenge of releasing free-to-play games too. I believe we will be able to make concrete propositions within this fiscal year,” continued Iwata.

“On the other hand, free-to-play games, if unbalanced, could result in some consumers paying extremely large amounts of money, and we can certainly not expect to build a good relationship with our consumers in this fashion. In order to have a favorable long-term relationship, we would like to offer free-to-play games that are balanced and reasonable.”


Syntax highlight for Thor

Sebastian Skałacki 11 ár síðan 0
Thor is Ruby framework for writing command line utilities. Often used as Rake replacement. Home page.

Thor definitions are plain Ruby code written in files whose names match *.thor pattern. Coupling yet another file extension with Ruby syntax highlight should do the job.

Bug with Alt + F3 in ST3 Build 3032 on Linux.

Jonathan Throne 11 ár síðan 0

Okay so I found a bug with the Alt + F3 find all command when say I run that command in Linux and then paste ctrl+v over all the commands I end up getting as many cursors as elements had been selected and modified.  When I move the cursor up or down cursors seem to remove themselves if I go all the way up to the top of my source code or all the way to the bottom of my source code.  Running ST3 Build 3032 on Arch Linux x86_64  Kernel: 3.8.11-1.


Alt+F2 (select_all_bookmarks) with no bookmarks

Kroum Tzanev 12 ár síðan 0

When we press Alt+F2 without saved bookmarks we loose the cursor (and in the status bar we can read "0 selection regions").

Temporary solution to recover the cursor : Ctrl+U.



James Sitz 11 ár síðan 0

Add the ability for UnrealScript syntax highlighting. its similar to java. its not used widely but would be a great asset to have and possibly pull more people into using this amazing editor


pre-populateting 'Goto Anything' window when a file name is selected in the code

Tuncay Demirtepe 11 ár síðan 0
can we have 'Goto Anything' window pre-populated when I select a file name in the code.
It would be helpfull while going through included files.

Build system error when run from batch file

gotdelta 13 ár síðan 0
When Sublime Text is run from a batch file (on Windows), all build systems fail with the error:

[Error 6] The handle is invalid

When the executable is run directly, the build systems work properly.

OSX Command line "-n" flag opens existing window before opening new window

Russell Keith-Magee 13 ár síðan 0
The OSX command line tool to open files/directories has a "-n" flag to open in a new window. However, using this flag will cause an existing open project window to be brought to the foreground.

To reproduce:
  1. Start ST2, open a project (say, P1)
  2. Minimize that project to the taskbar
  3. subn -n <P2 directory>

Window containing P1 is unminimized before the window for P2 is created. 

Child windows not closing when tabs are removed

Kyle J. Kemp 11 ár síðan 0

Start with this, drag a new tab to make this, and then drag that second tab back into its origin window, leaving you with this. This is incredibly annoying behaviour, since I have to close the second window manually... and after a lot of accidental (sometimes my cpu hangs when switching tabs) dragging out of a window, it adds up. In that same vein.. Is it possible to lock tabs to a certain bar to prevent them from being dragged out? I suppose this would be an acceptable alternative, though I think both in tandem would be better than one or the other.