Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Text drag'n'drop

Игорь Калашников 13 ár síðan updated by Sven Axelsson 13 ár síðan 1
It would be very useful to be able to disable text drag'n'drop feature.

Virtual Real Estate of Crown Capital Bali management: The Future of Real Estate Selling Online

Dominique Hayes 11 ár síðan 0
Having a website is a necessity for businesses today. Having no website is like having no business address or not having any corporate name or logo at all. Yet, running an efficient website is not that easy. Any person can put up a blog for free and post almost anything without difficulty and any constraints from any person or government agency. The Internet has not only democratized the globe. It has also empowered even the lowliest would-be entrepreneur or artist who has the desire to compete in the world at-large.

Professionals, however, deserve more than a mere blog or ordinary website. Being a professional entity, likewise, requires certain standards or capabilities that will put one a cut above the rest. In real estate, having the best designers and builders is the essential need. However, running an efficient and productive marketing group is the final key to achieving success in real estate business.

Nowadays, posting photos and videos are common all over the net. Social media would not be what it is now without them. Dealing in real estate cannot do without them and hope to achieve reasonable success. Effective use of these tools will not only enhance one’s capacity to promote one’s business but also provide credibility and a unique service to people who want immediate information.

There are many tools available to real estate developers. But one of the most formidable tools ever developed for real estate developers is the virtual real estate tour software which allows any person to practically envision the exterior and interior of a property and even move or handle furniture and other improvements in the property. That is, a prospective buyer may actually adjust the height of objects or change the dimensions of a room or bathroom, open a closet and change the color or design of certain installations.

Crown Capital would gain a lot of benefits from having this capability provided online for its visitors. It may take a big capital outlay; but it will be all worth it.
Image 289

C++ coloring bug

Igor Demura 12 ár síðan 0

Put  following C++ code into Sublime:

class C {
  void Begin() {
    using namespace ::n1::n2;
    // Something wrong!!!

Comment isn't colored as comment. The reason is using decl line above.


Option to list find results for in file instead of only for folders.

Mark Watson 13 ár síðan updated by Sergey Zarovski 13 ár síðan 1
Right now I only can find a way to list all the find results for finding stuff in multiple files. I'd like to be able list all matches for finding in one file. This would be useful for searching in large files.

Sublime Text 3 terminates itself in a headless environment

Todd Wolfson 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 1

I have been developing a Sublime Text testing framework for automated testing. It should be able to run via Travis CI but I am currently getting stuck when it comes to Sublime Text 3.

I have coded up and implemented the framework against Sublime Text 2. It works flawlessly in Travis CI. However, when it comes to Sublime Text 3, it doesn't budge.

I have debugged the problem locally, reproducing it via an Ubuntu Server image on Vagrant, and found that Sublime Text 3 terminates itself when in a headless environment (even with Xvfb).


$ export DISPLAY=:99.0
$ /usr/bin/Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 0 1024x768x24 &

$ sublime_text # Exits immediately

$ ps ax | grep sublime

# 5427 pts/0  S+  0:00 grep --color=auto sublime


My repo can be found here:


HTML (Rails) comment format

Nelson Blaha 12 ár síðan 0

command+/ shortcut prepends '//' ruby comment instead of valid <%# ... %> comment style preferred (reference:


dna edit: Recovery at what cost?

dariusdetlef 11 ár síðan 0

Not tackling crony capitalism or environmental degradation now for the sake of economic recovery will leave a destructive trail in the years ahead.

The sustained fall of the Indian rupee has raised questions about the problems plaguing the Indian economy. While finance minister P Chidambaram has finally stopped blaming external factors solely for the stock market and the rupee plunge, his enumeration of the domestic problems started from the period his predecessor Pranab Mukherjee was in charge.

Pranab presided over a fiscal stimulus package from late-2008 comprising policy rate cuts and increased public spending that partly helped the Indian economy post exceptional growth figures in a period of global distress. Even as the hype over the Indian economy rose to fever pitch in this period, a fundamental mistake was how this clouded our perception of the huge inflow of foreign capital.

This inflow was precipitated by the US Fed’s quantitative easing programme allowing for reduced interest rates and easy availability of dollars which made markets like India an attractive option for foreign institutional investors. Flush with dollars from this and short-term loans from foreign banks to Indian corporates, India missed the bus by not using this to boost foreign exchange reserves. The fiscal stimulus package soon began to rebound as inflation, fiscal deficit and current account deficit rose to uncomfortable levels. To mitigate inflationary pressures, the RBI began hiking policy rates that hurt economic growth. But on a parallel track, a number of developments took place revealing the fault-lines in our growth story.

Unfortunately, the weakening economy is now an ideal excuse to pan these developments. Sections of the industry and government are blaming judicial overreach and environmental activism for diminishing exports and stalled projects. It’s perhaps no exaggeration to posit that a change happened after the struggle against land acquisition at Nandigram. Protests against land acquisition and environmental degradation have, since, erupted with a frequency that has called into question the current development model.

Take Niyamgiri, Kudankulam, Rewari, and Greater Noida. Former environment minister Jairam Ramesh — rightly — made environmental clearances more stringent. But that process of transparency seems to have now become inconvenient. Though UPA-I was synonymous with welfare and public spending, the spectre of crony capitalism overshadowed it, finally assuming gigantic proportions in UPA-II.

Successive CAG reports have underlined the dubious allocation of precious 2G spectrum and coal blocks. Mining in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Goa has been so blatantly illegal and rapacious that the Supreme Court has had no option but to clamp down on iron-ore export. Now an even bigger scam of public sector banks wantonly writing off corporate loans is brewing.

With elections approaching, the government is rushing to clear projects and bypass regulatory controls. On Monday, it cleared 36 stalled infrastructure projects worth Rs1.83 lakh crore. These belated efforts at quick decision-making may or may not help trigger economic recovery. But not tackling either crony capitalism or environmental degradation will not sustain development for long.

Nature is known to take its vengeance. Years of so-called development just takes hours to be wiped out. Uttarakhand taught us that much. Proceeding with caution to protect fragile ecologies should become established wisdom.

Capitalism’s worst enemy is crony capitalism. The 2G scam and the stagnant telecom industry also tell us that much.



in project explorer add a context menu option to open in explorer

Corné Oppelaar 11 ár síðan 0

when in the project explorer it would be handy to be able to right click on a folder/file and have a button "Open in explorer" that opens the folder or for a file the parent folder so we there can do copy and paste work or other things :)

Not a bug

syntax specific word_wrap setting is ignored

Thomas Jachmann 13 ár síðan updated by Jon Skinner 12 ár síðan 2
The word wrapping is always as set in menu View -> Word Wrap, not as specified in my syntax specific settings. As far as I remember, this started with an update one or two weeks ago. My current build is 2176.
Jon Skinner 13 ár síðan
This is by design.

Explicitly toggling word_wrap via the menu will override whatever is set in any of the settings files.

Recent file list corrupted (Win 64)

Dieter Raber 12 ár síðan 0


I am using Sublime 2.0.1, Build 2217 on Win7/64. A while ago I have opened a number of files on a machine on the network, something like \\MACHINE\SHARE\file.

Since then, when I open the list of recent files I see the files of this session - no matter how often I edit other files. I have also cleaned the recent file list but it keeps on re-appearing.

Any thoughts?


Dieter Raber