Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Make XML syntax definition mark invalid double-hyphen inside comment
diff --git a/a b/XML.tmLanguage
index 9438f60..bbb5823 100644
--- a/a
+++ b/XML.tmLanguage
@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@
+ <key>patterns</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>match</key>
+ <string>--</string>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>invalid.illegal.double-hyphen-in-comment.xml</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
Erlang syntax highlighting error (with potential fix!)
In Erlang, fun is not only a keyword for lambdas, but can also be used in -spec macro directives.
-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box, Pos :: integer(), AccStart :: X, Fun :: fun((Pos :: integer(), Acc::X) -> (Y)) ) -> [Y].
This breaks syntax highlighting afterwards though (because Sublime text thinks we're in an anonymous function that has never been ended).
(multiline or single line -spec doesn't matter).
It can be fixed by ignoring the fun keyword if it follows two colons in this case:
Erlang.tmLanguage, line 699
This is only a hack though, because the parameter spec could also be unnamed:
-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box, integer(), X, fun((integer(), X) -> (Y)) ) -> [Y].
Remove special characters from sublime text 2 directories and files
Opening files and folders problem
BACK and FORWARD button suggestion. to go the last opened file.
Find in Files Saved Configurations
I love find in files - saves me every minute of the day, it's fast and ST2 is the first editor to make it easier than using find at the command line. Thanks. However, I tend to have a few configs that I use all the time - usually combinations of directories and file globs. It would make life even easier if I could save those configs and then pick them from a popup, say at the end of the "where" entry box. I'd settle for recents but better would be to save them somewhere (or even create a settings file).
Code comments that show up in sidebar.
An API for images/iframes
Because really, for many things like choosing html images (img[src]), previewing Marcdown files, previewing image files selected on the side bar so we need some kind of iframe inside Sublime; if you want to to implement this in the most painless way you can use a Chrome app; all the platforms you support also have support for Chrome (or Chromium).
Goto default text doesn't work as expected
I mean:
Zen-coding and multiple cursors produces unusual results.
Paste the following text in to ST2 then put cursors after the braces. Press tab:
It produces the following output:
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho