Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Windows install needs to check/fix HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\sublime_text.exe\shell\open\command

Mark Stewart il y a 12 ans 0

If you've been using the portable version as a default editor and then switch to the installed version, the "Open With..." functionality will be broken, as the path listed above will still lead to the portable.  See for more info


Build system can not handle utf-8 args

贾延平 il y a 11 ans 0

I use ruby and try to run ruby file in the editor,But it going wrong when file name has some chinese chars.

I found build system's file path do not encode into utf-8 encoding,but ConsoleCP is set to 65001(I guess)。

I do not know this is a sublime editor bug or ruby's。ruby use ConsoleCP to detect the script file's encoding.


Search history should be paired with the replacement text

Nicolay77 il y a 13 ans 0

Whenever I select a previously used search term, the last replacement text used with this search string should be selected too, currently I have to do the operation twice, once for the search text and other for the replacement text.

Also, to be able to pin some search/replace text pairs, that way they are not deleted from history.


Tweak to homerow navigation in vintage mode

Jonathan Soeder il y a 12 ans mis à jour il y a 12 ans 0
I should be able to hold down J, or K, and scroll faster through a file the same way that I can hold down H and L and scroll horizontally faster.  As it stands I have to hit J for every line I want to go down

focus code block

Jakeb Rosoman il y a 11 ans 0

sublime currently offers the ability to fold away code block's I don't care about which obviously helps me focus on the ones I do care about but personally I find it pretty in-affective for that job. How about it allows me just to select the block I want to work on and zoom in to that block as if it was in a separate file? I find myself creating separate files when writing HTML/Jade just so I can simulate this affect.


Goto file in current directory

Rob Speer il y a 14 ans 0
There should be an easy keyboard command to open another file in the same directory as the current one (or with a path relative to the current file). This allows a lightweight workflow for people who don't organize their files into projects.

This is the same idea I asked about on the forum -- I'm looking for an equivalent to :e or :tabe in gvim.

Ideally, this would auto-complete to files that already exist, but also allow typing a filename that does not exist yet to create that file.

Auto complete causes views to jitter

Ben Vanik il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
I run in two column mode, and when using auto complete in the right column any changes to the layout of the auto complete dialog once it's up (more typing to change results/etc) will cause the entire view to shift to the left ~10px and then immediately back to its original location. As a result, the entire view bounces around while typing and makes things unusable. I had to disable auto complete to regain my sanity. The behavior does not reproduce in the left column.

Linux x64 Ubuntu

vim mode, deleting last line should move you to previous line

Jon Hogue il y a 11 ans 0

When in vim, and you go to the last line, and type "dd", it goes to the previous line. This way, you can delete all the lines from the bottom of the file.

In sublime, it doesn't go to the previous line.


After editing preferences, next file is saved in the wrong folder

Jesse Ruderman il y a 11 ans 0
1. Open the "user preferences" file by pressing ⌘,
2. Save the file
3. Open a new tab by pressing ⌘N
4. Save this file

Result: the save dialog defaults to
"~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/"

Expected: the save dialog should keep defaulting to the last folder I picked myself  (in my case, usually ~/Desktop/ or ~/Documents/)

Mouse select/capture as a block of text

Brian Bruggeman il y a 11 ans 0

Visual Slickedit has a cool feature where the mouse can select a block of text as a rectangle within the screen rather than across lines of text.  For example:

   a quick text example of where something
   might be a block select rather than a text line


if we used a block select on the first two characters in the above text, we'd have 3 lines:


   ['a ',



This can be very useful for inserting text, filling in comments, cutting text, etc.