Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Save All stops when it can't save one of the open files.

Tim Robinson 12 aastat tagasi 0

I'm running on Ubuntu 12.04, Sublime Text 2.0.1 Build 2217. 

When I have a bunch of files open some of which are read only and there are changes made to each and I click Save All sublime text will save each file from left to right but only up to the read only file, then it will give an error that that file could not be saved and stops saving the rest. 

This is mainly an issue when finding and replacing across many files as I can make a change in say 200 files and if just one is read only I cannot save all and close them all. I have to close them one by one from the left until I find the read only file, or I have to click close all and click 'save before closing' hundreds of times (once for every file). 


firsts indent space different than tab_size

Sébastien Barbieri 12 aastat tagasi 0

It could be nice to have the first(s) indent(s) spaces customizable.

To have the ability to indent the first tab with a first_tab_size and then indent everything with the tab_size.

The idea is to have something like this:

function myFunc(a,b) {
        diff = 0;
            diff = a - b;
//      |--> tabs of 4
//----->|    tabs of 8
            diff = b - a;
        return diff; 

Something even better could be to have a first_tabs_spaces: 8,6,4,2 to allow to decrease tabs size in deeper code.

                  function thisIsATest(A,B){
                    return A+B;
<!--  -|-----|----|-|
    8     6     4  2


Camel case / snake case / spinal case insensitive search

Stefan Schüßler 11 aastat tagasi 0

For some of my projects a camel case / snake case / spinal case insensitive search modifier would be very handy. When enabled, a search for FooBarBaz would also find occurrences of foo_bar_baz / foo-bar-baz and vice versa.

Not a bug

Using ctrl+enter in the replace box makes it bug out

Bas van den Berg 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi 0
Using ctrl+enter in the replace box makes it bug out and keep the previous line including the next line command for all further replace all attemts (resolved by restarting sublime)
Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi
ctrl+enter inserts a newline. You can see what's happening by resizing the panel to be larger.

Last character left hanging when folding whitespacey languages

johtso 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi 2
Any language that doesn't use braces to surround code (e.g. Python/CoffeeScript/Ruby) has the last character (which in other languages would be the closing brace) left hanging on the end of the line.

Youtube video
Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi
Thanks for the report - this should now be fixed in dev build 2121

Language definition causing hang on load

Shane Liesegang 12 aastat tagasi uuendatud 12 aastat tagasi 12

(I also posted this in the forums; if such duplication is bad form, please let me know which to delete.)

I'm using this language definition for Papyrus (the scripting language for Skyrim). It's worked fine for the last couple years, but at some point (I couldn't tell you when) it started choking on large files.

For instance, when I load this Activator script (a trivial file that just contains the required script header), it processes fine. But when I load up Actor.psc, a larger script with lots of functions, it hangs on the loading progress bar and never renders. Until I reboot Sublime Text, any attempt to load any other Papyrus script will also hang.

Without the language definition in place, all files open just fine. This definition worked well before, so I'm not sure what's changed in the underlying systems. I know it contains a big regex for the built-in functions towards the bottom, but that hasn't caused issues in the past.


Home Buyers: Lock in these Low Mortgage Rates Now

deborah gould 11 aastat tagasi 0

Mortgage rates are at an all-time low. Recent data released by Freddie Mac from 1972 through February 2013 illustrate just what historic times home buyers currently live in. 
With the Federal Reserve purchasing $45 billion worth of longer-term Treasuries and $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities—for a total of $85 billion each month—30-year fixed rates have been driven down below 4.0% for the first time ever. 
When large institutions buy large quantities of bonds—say $85 billion per month—bond prices are bid higher, which drives bond rates down (bond prices and rates are inversely related). And this is exactly what the Fed intends to do—push mortgage rates down to give relief to home buyers and make it possible to finance their next home. 
This maneuver by the U.S. central bank is known as quantitative easing (QE) and is unprecedented in its scale. How much longer the Fed will make these monthly purchases is unknown. What is known, however, is that the Fed cannot continue this program indefinitely. Meaning at some point, these purchases will end and rates will normalize. 
When will rates increase? How high will they go? How fast will they move? Nobody can predict exactly what rates will look like going forward. 
But if you lock in a fixed rate today, you won’t have to worry where rates go tomorrow.


javac should add -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8 option scene ST only handles UTF-8 output.

Xpol Wan 11 aastat tagasi 0

The Packages\Java.sublime-package\JavaC.sublime-build should changed as:


"shell_cmd": "javac -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8 \"$file\"",

"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",

"selector": ""


Unless we planned to support parse native encoding for build outputs.


Wrapping for LaTeX files is broken, incorrectly wraps hyphens at the end of lines.

kdsl 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Thi breaks one’s LaTeX files in unpredictable and subtle ways. 

It occurs any place where hyphens can appear at the end of lines (including em-dash (---) and en-dash (--)), which is common in typical LaTeX documents.


Queue Find-Replace, Save All and Close All actions.

Emile Victor 11 aastat tagasi 0

Hi! Awesome application.

When doing big find-replace actions, the action is backgrounded. If I don't notice that it is executing in the background, sometimes I'll go to use the "Save all" action, and it won't execute completely, as files are still being modified in the background.

So when I try to use "Close All" immediately after "Save all", it doesn't execute the operation and asks me if I want to save files.

Might be better if these are put into some sort of FIFO queue so that requests for operations like this occur in sequential order.