Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Recent files no longer appear in the Goto Anything list

Delucia 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja jack 13 aastat tagasi 1
I use that option a lot and I'm sad that it was removed. It allowed me to open files by typing few characters.

Actually I would've liked to enhance it so that it monitors my local dev folder so that I can open any file there without lifting my hand from the keyboard.

Duplicate exiting file

Simon East 13 aastat tagasi 0
Would be great to be able to right-click a file and choose "Duplicate" or "Edit as new" so that you can use an existing file as the basis of a new one.

Select text / Ctrl+F / Enter inserts newline instead of searching

Andrei Gheorghe 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Kevin Thomas 8 aastat tagasi 1

This most definitely is a bug as I can't imagine why it should work this way:

- select text using mouse

- press Ctrl+F

- release Ctrl

- press enter

expected: search should start

what happens: text in the Find box is replaced by a newline :))

Linux build 3083


Option to disable font ligatures on the current line.

andreansani 6 aastat tagasi 0

Like this:

It makes it easier to edit code.


Toggle sidebar button on status bar

Porkchops 7 aastat tagasi 0

A button one the very left side similar to one for toggling bottom panels / toolbars (such as the console).


Close to tray

zloidooraque 8 aastat tagasi uuendatud 8 aastat tagasi 1

Could we, East Asian Language users, get some more enhanced support for languages like Korean and Japanese?

Kyle Kim 9 aastat tagasi 0

I have recently bought Sublime Text 3 and I really like the features of it.

I could definitely say that ST is one of the best Text Editing Software that I've ever used without a doubt.

However, the one thing that I'm bit frustrated with it is that ST still has poor support on those East Asian languages like Korean and Japanese.

Every time I type in Korean, it pops out IME window and it is hard to see.

I know that there are some plug-ins which eases such issue, but it does not fulfill my expectations.

Could we please get some further enhanced support for those languages.

Thank you.


More control over multiple selection

Jamie Webb 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja robertcollier4 12 aastat tagasi 1
Multiple selection is neat, but operating it can sometimes be troublesome. I'd love to be able to do the following, which to best of my knowledge is not possible now:

  • Add cursors with the keyboard. I guess this is hard in general, and we have ctrl-d, but it would be nice to at least have 'extend cursor down one line', i.e. rough equivalent of shift-right-drag.
  • Remove cursors, i.e. ctrl-clicking on an existing cursor should remove it rather than doing nothing.
  • Undo a ctrl-d. E.g. I wanted to select every instance of a local variable. I hit ctrl-d 11 times rather than 10, and end up selecting the same name in a different function. Currently I have to start again.
  • Also, I think ctrl-d might be better with its own word-selection behaviour rather than using the setting from ctrl-f. Specifically, it should restrict matches to whole words iff the initial selection is a whole word. 

define events for a project

Charles Bourasseau 12 aastat tagasi 0

It would be great to have the possibility to define event for a project. If a file is saved or created, a command or a build will be started.

For example:





      "event": "onSaved",

      "cmd": [





      "event": "onCreateFile",

      "build": "MyBuild"






      "name": "MyBuild",

      "cmd": [

        "mvn", "build"


      "shell": "true"






      "name": "My project",

      "path": "/path/to/my/project"








Linewrap with last word before "."

Dennis Treder 12 aastat tagasi 0

For writing "plain text" for journals e.g.: a "." at the end of a line will be wrapped to the next line alone (without the last word). I'd love to have this changed! :)


"This is a sencence. And this..."

If the lineend was reached at the end of "sentence", the wrap in sublimetext looks like this:

"This is a sencence

. And this..."

So the last word isn't moved to the next line. Bad to read for normal text.